What to Do When You Have Lost Missing Pieces of Freight


Freight transport is a multibillion-dollar industry. In fact, 71% of all the freight trucked in America topples $700 billion. With all the profits made in this industry, common issues still arise.

Missing freight is one of them. Whether you’re the shipper or shipping company, know how to handle lost missing pieces.

Lapses happen in the logistics industry. Shipments don’t arrive when and where they should. And the worst part is when business owners don’t know what to do when this problem arises.

Get a grip on your missing freight.

If you’re wondering how do you handle a situation when you have lost missing pieces of freight, read this. Here are the steps you can take to ensure your shipping proceeds with ease.

Make “The Call” When You Have Lost Missing Pieces of Freight

Delays happen all the time when shipping freight. So, before you make the declaration that it’s lost, call the shipping company.

They may be able to ease your worries with one phone call.

In the event it’s lost, the shipping company can tell you where they are in the process of finding it. The search may have started before you called and they have a full report waiting for you.

Do Inventory

After you speak with the shipping about your missing freight, do inventory right away. Gather all your documentation and make a formal list of everything inside your freight.

Write up a detailed description of every good—size and color of the packaging, freight bill, and forms. This helps your cause if the shipping company admits fault and the freight’s truly lost.

There are some cases where a shipment seems lost but it’s actually somewhere damaged. In that case, you can hire an emergency freight.

Here are some other necessary and helpful documents:

  • Bill of lading
  • Invoice for proof of payment for goods shipped
  • Copy of the packing slip
  • Standard claim with the claim amount
  • Photos help tremendously

In most cases, when you have proper documentation, you can get a full refund.

File a Freight Claim with the Shipping Company

As with most packages lost in shipment, you can file a claim. That’s works with freight as well.

A freight claim for a lost freight shipment is often called a cargo claim. A cargo claim places a legal demand on the shipper for a lost freight. This is where you get to seek financial reimbursement for your loss.

You will have to submit a copy of your inventory report. Also, any helpful documents mentioned above.

Keep in mind the process for a carrier answering a claim doesn’t happen overnight. You might have to wait a few weeks. And, the carrier has a right to accept or deny the claim.

In some cases, they settle. Expect some back and forth after you file.

On the Whole

When you rely on logistics, don’t expect perfection. You may find yourself looking for lost missing pieces of freight.

Don’t panic. Follow this simple protocol for checking up on missing freight. Watch the process simplify.

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