Dealing with an OSHA Inspection: Best Practices

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A standard OSHA inspection usually begins with the inspector from OSHA – or inspectors in many cases – arriving at your workplace. At this point, you need to confirm the identity of the inspector and make sure that inspector is wearing the proper safety equipment before entering the premise.

The next part is what OSHA inspectors call the opening conference. During the opening conference, the OSHA inspector is obliged to explain the reason for the inspection and provide you with supporting documents if necessary. The inspection will then begin.

Dealing with an OSHA inspection doesn’t need to be complicated, especially with the best practices and top tips and tricks we are about to discuss in this article. Let’s get started, shall we?

Understand the Parameters

There are two things you have to understand before the inspection begins. First, you have to make sure all employees learn and understand their rights. For instance, employees have the right to challenge citations during the inspection.

The next thing to understand is the parameter of the inspection; there are a lot of them, actually, but they can be grouped into four categories. The inspection will look into the type of work performed, inspect machines and equipment, gather information about the facility, and collect details about the people in charge.

As long as you have your documents and paperwork in order, providing accurate information should be a breeze; Here is a fantastic page on how to prepare for an OSHA safety inspection and you can learn to prepare for an inspection better. After all, good documentation is part of the OSHA standards that you have to maintain for better workplace safety.

Always Assist the Inspector

Make sure you have at least one person in charge accompanying the inspectors as they go through the inspection procedures. It is also necessary to treat the inspectors with respect and courtesy. Avoid going too far with personal offers because this could insinuate bad intentions and you don’t want that.

Inspectors will walk around the facility and perform the inspection in different ways. Don’t assume they will do things in a certain way. Your job during the OSHA inspection process is to assist, mostly in a passive way.

The inspectors will also take pictures and notes. Make sure you have your team taking the same photos and writing down the same notes, including notes of the conversation you have with the inspectors throughout the process. You are simply documenting the inspection process.

The Interviews

The last thing to handle is employee interviews. Never – and I seriously mean NEVER – ask employees to tell incorrect stories; as a matter of fact, never instruct employees to do anything but tell the truth during an OSHA inspection. Your business can always recover from safety violations, but it may not survive the implications of asking employees to lie to OSHA inspectors.

As always, make sure employees are represented and that they understand their rights before they face the interview. The OSHA inspection ends with a closing conference, during which you will receive the final report and input on how you can improve health and safety in the work environment. All you have to do next is follow those recommendations to comply with the OSHA standards.

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