Good Qualities of Wage and Hour Attorney

Wage and Hour Lawyer Attorney and Client
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

Wage and hour lawyers help to prosecute your case so that you can get the maximum wage you can. Most wage and hour cases do not go to court. However, in case they do, ensure that your lawyer has experience with the prosecution. It is natural to experience confusion with the number of options you have in the legal market. This article will help you to settle on a good wage & hour attorney.

Key Qualities of a Wage and Hour Attorney

1. They should have a thorough knowledge of the federal overtime laws named Fair Labour and Standard Act of 1938 and the wage laws. It controls the following types of wage issues:

  • Overtime pay;
  • Worker compensation;
  • Putting the employees in exempt or non-exempt classification to determine if they will be eligible to get overtime payments;
  • Issues if there are deductions in employees’ time; and
  • Other wage issues.

2. Ensure that wage and hour lawyers have excellent track records. Ask them for client testimonials and check the number of cases they have good outcomes for. You can go to their websites and look for the client feedback or just google it.

3. Communication skills should be excellent. You will need to be presented to an array of personnel related to your case. Also, do not get fooled by fancy-speaking lawyers if you are having difficulty in understanding. Settling down for someone with whom you are not comfortable can make you feel ill at ease throughout the case.

4. Wage and hour lawyers must be punctual and prioritize you. Some lawyers take a huge number of cases, and then can not give time to all their clients. When hiring a lawyer, make sure that that he or she is fully dedicated to you and gives you time.

If you are not sure that you need to hire a wage and hour lawyer, you can talk to attorneys and ask them if they provide free consultations. They will help you to identify the complexity of the case. In the initial state of the case, you have nothing to lose. Moreover, talking to a lawyer will make the process smoother.


If you are having complications due to your employers and you need help to claim wage and overtime benefits, then contact a wage and hour attorney today. These attorneys have experience. negotiate with your employer, and represent you in litigation.

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