Four Reasons Why You Might Need a Business Lawyer

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When you start up a business right out of your home, it’s natural that you focus on the positive aspects of it. After all, for many people, starting up a business is something that they’ve dreamed of doing their whole lives. How could there be anything negative to come up once that dream has been realized? Yet once you are in the midst of running that business, you would be surprised how easily unforeseen circumstances can come up and cause headaches, many of the legal variety.

It might not be in your nature to think of the worst-case scenario whereby you would need a lawyer for your home business. But it’s a practical idea to know where you can find a qualified, experienced business attorney, such as Park Chenaur Injury Lawyers, that can handle whatever might come up in the course of your business operations. Here are some of the reasons you might need to hire one.

1. Business Disputes

Even if you are the sole employee of your home business, it’s likely that you will have to form partnerships of some kind with others for your company to run. Those relationships can easily become complicated, considering the others involved might be looking out for their own best interests instead of the interests of your company. If it comes to a point where one party or the other feels like there has been some sort of underhanded behavior going on, it may become a legal issue.

2. Contract Issues

Hopefully, if you’ve started your own business, you have the wherewithal to realize that you should get everything in writing, ideally with meticulously drawn-out contracts. Preferably, you would have a lawyer on retainer who could draw up these contracts for you. Occasionally, if the wording in the contract is vague or confusing or the other party simply reneges on their deal, you may need to undertake legal proceedings to get your proper due.

3. Employee Squabbles

Some businesses operating out of a home are strictly one-person or family affairs. But you might actually have an employee who helps with things like sales, deliveries, website development, or any number of auxiliary matters. If that’s the case, there is always the chance that one of these employees will feel like they’ve been wronged and could turn it into a legal matter.

4. Idea Theft

Imagine that you have come up with a killer business idea, and not too long after your product is on the market, you find that there is another product out there strikingly similar to yours. Perhaps you have a slogan that has been blatantly copied by someone else. Or some other form of intellectual property of yours has been pilfered by a competitor. All of these instances require you to get a lawyer to protect what’s rightfully yours. Check out Voss Law’s article here for more information on intellectual property rights.


These are just a few of the things that can crop up when you’re running a business. As a result, it’s a good idea to know where your legal help is going to come from before you actually need to secure it.

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