How Does a Personal Vision Statement Benefit You as a Project Manager?

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Photo by Rebrand Cities from Pexels

One of the many qualities of successful people is that they are visionaries. They have a clear and definite sense of what they want to be and what they wish to achieve in life. It does not matter if their vision seems impossible, as long as they are sure about where they want to go.

As a project manager, you can adopt this visionary quality by creating a personal vision statement. This exercise means instead of just imagining what you want to become, you put your vision into words. When you do so, your dreams no longer seem far-fetched, but something tangible and attainable instead.

What Is a Personal Vision Statement?

As mentioned above, a personal vision statement is an articulation of the ideal self that you always imagined and the kind of future that you want to have. You may not realize it at the onset, but translating your hopes and aspirations into words is a necessary first step in making them come to fruition.

Psychologists have long stressed the inherent power of words. Words can influence behavior and trigger the motivational centers of the brain to prompt you into taking action. This means that developing your vision statement will direct you to act and make the declaration a reality.

Instead of wandering around aimlessly, you have a clear target that will guide your every decision and action.

How Can a Personal Vision Statement Help Your Job as a Project Manager?

While it may not seem obvious, having a personal vision can positively impact your work as a project manager in the following ways:

  • It will keep you focused.

When you have a personal vision in place, you have a clear direction on where you want to go. You can readily identify activities that are worthwhile, which can help you achieve your goals rather than focusing on undertakings that only waste your time. When you have your eyes on the prize, you keep moving forward.

This focused attitude can help you become an effective project manager. It would become your second nature to break down and prioritize tasks to achieve the goals of your project. Since the desired result is clear in your mind, you will not be easily distracted by setbacks and challenges.

  • It will keep you motivated.

A vision statement will teach you how to remain hopeful as you know that everything that you’re doing has a purpose. As you slowly work toward your ideal future, you will learn how perseverance can push you forward.

This trait is useful as a project manager since it will keep you motivated to continue even when faced with unexpected challenges. When you’re innately driven, it will be easier for you to motivate your team to work harder in meeting your project objectives. Keep in mind that when you “walk the talk,” people listen more attentively.

  • It will help you communicate better with your team.

The practice of articulating what is inside your head into clear and actionable words can help improve your communication skills. Being an excellent communicator is essential to being an effective project manager. As the leader of the team, you should be able to convey responsibilities, expectations, and directions, whether verbally or orally.

  • It will help boost your integrity.

Having a vision statement means you’re used to working with a clear direction and a sense of purpose. Your words and actions are always aligned as your vision guides every aspect of your being. Your team members will respect this consistency with words and behavior, as it shows you have integrity.

A vision statement is valuable to becoming an effective and respected project manager. If you have yet to write yours, now is the best time to start.

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