How Do I Keep Track of My Company’s Assets?

The business world is a dangerous and murky world. Your company could be buying inventory or assets but employees end up stealing them or they get damaged. Which leads us to the next issue: How do you track the company’s assets from production to sale?

For starters, you need to figure out which items need tracking. This will allow you to prioritize and minimize spending. You can start out by tracking your fleet of vehicles and work your way up. This will allow you to map out delivery routes and identify areas goods might be pilfered at. Here are more ways of keeping track of your company’s assets:


This method of inventory tracking can only be described as revolutionary. Once a product arrives in your warehouse, a special number is assigned to the product. From this number you are able to track the product’s movement across the warehouse until you have to ship it to the consumer.

On top of that, you are able to assign a certain type of product a unique code. This will allow easier identification of the product in the warehouse. It will also allow you to arrange the storage facility according to the unique number. Technology has progressed at such a high rate you can scan the barcode with your smartphone. Previously, barcode scanning could only be done using special optical scanners known as barcode readers.


Office supplies are expensive if not properly utilized. It is, therefore, important to have someone specially assigned to hand out the items. This will not only allow you to track improper use of office assets, it will also allow you to keep costs at a minimum. The employee in charge of tracking these supplies should give you an updated report every month or quarter.


It might not seem so but employees are company assets. While you wouldn’t want to be intrusive in your employees’ personal lives, keeping track of them is essential for your business. Have a system where employees sign in once they arrive at work. Ensure they have the day’s tasks laid out for them. At the end of the day have them sign out. This will allow you to track employees that are sluggish in their work. You could then decide to fire them or ask them to improve on their work.


Assets such as computers, printers, and fax machines are not barcoded like products. Here’s how you track them: Each item has a unique serial number on the side or at the bottom. Create a database of assets describing them in words, conditions, and finally their serial numbers. In case they are assigned to specific employees, indicate the name of the employee and the condition the item is in. This will allow you to track the item effectively, minimizing theft or damage. You should then backup the database on a different computer or through cloud computing. This ensures you have a reference point in case damage occurs to the original list.

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