How Staying Organized Can Make You More Productive

Clean office desk
Photo by Norbert Levajsics on Unsplash

The phrase ‘tidy desk, tidy mind’ is often used in offices, but keeping on top of your bits and pieces during a busy day can be challenging. It’s something worth investing a few minutes each day, as having a tidy desk can make a huge difference between having a stressful day and a productive one.

What’s more, having a cluttered desk can also look bad in front of clients and colleagues. What impression do you think a desk strewn with paper, stationery, and odds and ends gives to a potential client? Keeping your desk in a cluttered and disorganized manner can leave the wrong impression.

It’s also a good idea to keep healthy snacks in your desk to keep food cravings away. Planters deluxe mixed nuts are a great snack option for your desk drawer.

A tidy desk can help you think straight.

Several studies have proven that keeping your desk tidy helps with concentration and focus, improving your productivity, and making you better at your job. By contrast, being surrounded by clutter can prevent you from processing tasks properly and it will distract you.

Schedule regular cleanings.

If your office environment is chaotic, organizing a company-wide office cleanup can help. Take an afternoon out of work time and go deep into the files, folders, and dust bunnies that have been piling up around you and your colleagues. It’s a great bonding experience for you all, too! Once the initial deep clean is done, keep on top of everything by scheduling weekly cleans where each member of staff takes a few minutes out of their schedule to do their part. If you have a shared office calendar, add it there, so that everyone gets a notification when it’s time.

Go digital.

As a nation, we’re moving more and more towards digital storage solutions, and office spaces are no different. As time goes on, moving away from paper documentation to digital copies can eliminate clutter and help you stay better organized. Think of all those old files locked away in cabinets that never get opened. If you don’t need them and they’re just taking up space, either throw them away or pay someone to digitize them for you.

Bring in a clean desk policy.

You can help yourself and others in your workplace to stay focused by implementing an office-wide clean desk policy. Make sure every employee clears and cleans their desk at the end of the day, so that they can have a fresh mindset for the next morning. This can also help organizations reduce their risk of data loss, fraud, or lapses in security brought about by sensitive information being left lying around.

A clean desk policy also saves time since information and paperwork become easier to find, and money that would be used on bringing in third-party cleaning companies could be saved. Make sure your office is stocked with cleaning products that your employees can use freely. This will encourage them to stay clean and tidy.

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