Standuply as a Team Productivity Boost Tool

Business team success
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Effective teamwork, as well as goal setting and achievement, starts with proper planning of team resources, the scope of tasks, and responsibility areas. And Scrum methodology has proven to be an effective instrument for attaining these goals. Scrum has come into the IT business as a way to distribute tasks, organize a team, and speed up work. This is one of the tools in the framework of the Agile philosophy — a flexible approach to business in general. Scrum facilitates project planning and successful workflow organization.

Standuply Allows Effective Running of Scrum

Scrum methodology helps to organize work in a small team. This is a framework tool targeted toward solving non-standard tasks and arrange the teamwork in conditions of heavy workload. Scrum provides for planning for a certain period of time (sprint), daily meetings for 15 minutes, a review of the achiever results at the end of the period, and sprint retrospective. In other words, it is impossible to effectively run Scrum in your company without regular meetings and transparent communication. You can always use Slack poll with Standuply Slack bot for this purpose.

Remember that your daily Scrum meetings are a valuable time that should be considered as a joint effort of the whole team. Each participant in the meeting should understand that everything he or she says should be useful and effective for all those gathered. Properly built communication is the key to productivity.

Team concept
Photo by rawpixel from Pexels

If you have remote team members, make sure in advance that they are notified of the meeting and will be able to participate. In many companies, special convenient services are used to work with distributed employees. One of them is Standuply. The tool helps to conduct meetings or polls in Slack, and then send the results to the task tracker.

The main benefits of the solution cover:

  • high integration level;
  • the ease of use;
  • the possibility of arranging asynchronous stand-ups on any schedule with text, voice, and video communication;
  • tracking all the communication history;
  • tracking analytics;
  • snoozing questions;
  • app synchronization with all the widely used task management systems and boards (Trello, Jira (coming soon));
  • pre-defined templates that you can use for running daily, retro, grooming, and planning meetings with your remote team;
  • the possibility of team performance tracking through analyzing Jira Sprint board.

In other words, when using Standuply, you have a single instrument that does everything for you — from being a meeting space to analyzing team performance and visualizing goals.

What Are the Objectives of Using Scrum with Standuply?

As a manager responsible for the team cooperation, work, and project development, you are to clearly understand what exact benefits you get when employing particular things in your processes. The same goes for Scrum and Standuply. Having this Slack bot in your arsenal of tools, you automatically:

  • increase teamwork efficiency;
  • transparency in the discussion of workflows;
  • increase team spirit;
  • boost a performance rate;
  • develop a project at a high rate;
  • make routine processes fun.

It is never easy to run a successful project and lead a team of truly happy employees. By using smart tools, you can make this process at least easier.

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