Rakesh Sarna Explains How Company Leadership Can Effectively Create a Positive Work Environment 

Human Chain Paper

Most individuals with the capacity to become successful leaders are highly adaptive, exhibit strong analytical skills, and are prepared to navigate challenging circumstances. However, despite the need for systematic thinking, the business landscape requires an extensive amount of commitment and self-awareness. Hospitality veteran, Rakesh Sarna states that there are several fundamental components when it comes to establishing a positive work environment. With a combination of sincerity and mutual respect, employers should ensure that their employees always feel engaged. Rakesh Sarna takes the time to provide his top suggestions to cultivating a positive professional atmosphere.

Offer Employees Flex-hours

Flex-hours offer both businesses and employees an alternative to the traditional 9-to-5 workday. Although workers are still required to complete a 40-hour week, this business model helps retain qualified employees by enabling them to customize their schedules. Young parents or those with arduous commutes often appreciate this system as it allows them to better manage their responsibilities.

Additionally, many prospective employees are now searching for career opportunities that will accommodate shifts in their weekly schedule. Flex-hours increase productivity and significantly reduce absenteeism by allowing individuals to strike a balance between personal and professional commitments. Ultimately, establishing a flex hour system helps to encourage employee loyalty and lets staff know that their time is valuable.

Remain Transparent 

Building engagement through transparency means making an effort to regularly update all staff members on current events and business strategies. Establishing an open line of communication will foster professional relationships and encourage employees to seek the help of management when issues arise.

Rakesh Sarna claims that treating employees as though they are colleagues and creating an open-door policy will help cultivate trust. Transparency fuels motivation and lets employees know that they are working for a company with higher ethical standards.

Respect Your Workers to Enhance Motivation

According to a study conducted by the Harvard Business Review, over 50 percent of employees do not feel respected by their bosses. Conversely, those that felt appreciated reported an 89 percent increase in job satisfaction and 92 percent enhanced focus and prioritization. Rakesh reminds individuals in managerial positions that every employee plays a pivotal role in the long-term success of a business. Therefore, it is essential to work towards establishing positive interactions to enhance motivation on a daily basis.

Establish a Company Culture

Corporate culture refers to the values and behaviors that determine how an organization functions as a whole. By establishing guiding principles, those in leadership positions lay down a set of standards that each employee is expected to maintain. A collaborative culture diminishes the gender divide and provides equal opportunities across the organization.

According to Rakesh Sarna, a strong company culture is frequently linked to increased productivity and is a great way to attract dedicated employees. As an effective recruiting tool, fostering a positive work environment facilitates employee satisfaction and keeps the company together.

Show Gratitude and Provide Positive Reinforcement

It is important to display gratitude when employees go above and beyond their job expectations. Ultimately, individuals that feel valued are more likely to continue contributing and excelling in their role.

Be a Mentor and Know How to Take Criticism

Mentoring provides employees with the confidence to move forward in their professional endeavors. Not only are mentoring programs fundamental to company-wide development, but they also allow individuals to gain the knowledge they need to succeed in their role.

Last but not least, employers need to be able to manage themselves. If they cannot handle their work responsibilities, it is unlikely that they will be able to provide credible leadership. Leaders should be able to set their priorities, have a sense of responsibility, and regulate their attention, emotions, and time.

As an experienced professional, Rakesh Sarna understands the importance of cultivating a positive work environment, believing it to be foundational to the long-term success of any organization. He encourages employers to focus on common grounds and then work collaboratively to identify long-term solutions.

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