Job Title Evolution


In the last few decades, the job titles we were accustomed to seeing have started to change massively. We’re here to examine why these have changed and whether this really impacts the job seekers of today.

Attraction to a Younger Audience

One of the main reasons that these job titles have changed so much is to make them more attractive to the younger portion of the job market. These fresh graduates and millennials tend to be drawn to exciting titles like Growth Hacker, rather than Business Development Manager. It’s all about making these seem more exciting and attractive, otherwise these younger workers will be drawn to work elsewhere.

In areas in which it’s hard to attract younger workers, this can play a huge role in making this easier. Understanding this mindset makes it much easier to bring in these workers.

Changing Requirements

As time has gone on, many job roles have evolved to encompass new requirements. Many more services have become internet focused and their job roles have changed as a result. These managers and salespeople now have more of an internet component to their job and the titles have changed as a result. SEO Managers, Lead Generation Executives and Social Media Managers are just some of the new titles that have come along as a result of this.

Most businesses have felt the need to change the job titles within their structure because of this. As we move towards an online marketplace, more and more job roles are taking on an internet based element.

Bringing in Better Talent

By changing job titles slightly they can be more attractive to better talent. Bringing in an expert can be easier if you have a title that really speaks to them. Companies are becoming a bit more generous with their job titles, a Manager might not have the same experience as they had years ago. Prior to the current climate, companies didn’t want to give big job titles to employees, in case this prompted him to get a job elsewhere.

This has changed massively though, as companies realise that if they give a job a better title, they will get more applications. From this talent pool, they can then select the best person for the job. Attracting the right talent is key for most industries, as they want to get the ideal candidate for the job.

Public Image

The public image of a company can also be impacted by the kinds of job roles that they advertise. Those that appear fun and interesting will start to garner interest in the right communities. This can also act as a bit of PR for the company as they can advertise a job role with a job title that’s one of a kind. If they crack this then attracting applicants becomes a breeze.

For further reading, Hiscox Insurance, a large provider of business insurance, have examined the timeline of job titles in depth. This interactive timeline will take you through more of these changes and brand new job roles that have been created too.

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