Hiring Secrets of $100 Million Dollar Companies

man people space desk
man people space desk

Large companies don’t get that way by accident. There are plans, policies, and procedures that are followed like clockwork each and every day. One of the main keys to growing revenues to 9 or 10 figures is to have the right people on your team.

Let’s be real! You won’t get to $100 million by yourself and you can’t afford to guess on potential hires.

The companies that go from good to great are those that have a system for identifying and assessing employees.

Nothing is worse than spending a fortune recruiting and training workers and then having to terminate them.

Imagine running a software program that can tell you if a new hire will quit in the next six months.

Wonscore, a pre-employment testing platform enhances an employer’s hiring process by assessing a candidate’s cognitive ability, motivation and personality. Wonderlic has announced the expansion of its cloud-based testing platform, Wonscore, to include larger organizations.

Pre-employment testing has been proven to enhance an employer’s hiring process by assessing a candidate’s cognitive ability, motivation and personality. Results are combined into a convenient single score,” providing an at-a-glance comparison across all job candidates. The scientifically validated results help predict job performance, allowing leaders to make more informed hiring decisions in less time.

According to Business2Community website the average time spent by recruiters looking at a resume is only 5 to 7 seconds and only 35% of applicants are actually qualified for the jobs they apply to.

The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform delivers test results based on over 900 position-specific job profiles, helping ensure that testing results are aligned to each role. The benefits of assessment testing include reduced turnover, improved employee
retention, higher productivity and faster growth.

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Mr. Charlie Wonderlic is a widely recognized authority on the development and implementation of employment and educational assessment solutions. His vision, entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to quality have helped his organization earn the trust and confidence of over 50,000 employers and educators worldwide. Charlie is an active speaker who has shared his views about the importance of preparing and selecting “job-ready” workers at numerous keynote addresses and on national television programs including Dateline, Lifetime, CNN FN and 20/20. Mr. Wonderlic is an active community leader who currently serves on the Board of Directors for Crisis Ministries, the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities Academic Excellence Committee and the College of Charleston MBA mentor program. He has also served as Chairman of the Board of the Association of Test Publishers and as a Board Member for the District 128 Foundation for Learning. Mr. Wonderlic received his Bachelor degree from Miami University and his MBA from the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.