Growing Your Team Through H1-B Visa Sponsorship

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Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels

The H1-B visa program allows companies to sponsor foreign workers who have specialized skills. Especially if you have a job opening that’s hard to fill through the existing labor pool, sponsoring an H1-B applicant is a great way to grow your team. However, there is more to sponsorship than just finding a job opening, getting some applicants, and doing the paperwork. Here is what you need to know about the sponsorship process.

Identifying a Specialty Need

You will need to prove to the government that the work is specialized. Also, the specialized skills inherent to the work must be hard to come by either because of a tight U.S. job market or due to the extreme uniqueness of the job itself. Industries like IT, healthcare, scientific research, academic and engineering employ H1-B visa holders. These tend to be the jobs that appear on the news during reports about tight labor markets.

If you’re unsure whether a job fits the mold, you can compare it to frequently granted applications. H1-B Visas are commonly granted for employees in Information Technology, medical, dental, and educational fields, as well as many other specialized occupations.

Labor Condition Application

Your business will have to document its eligibility to be a sponsor. Likewise, it will have to provide detailed information about the job. You should be prepared to provide financial statements if necessary. Similarly, you will need to provide an assessment of the labor conditions at the business and information about compensation, benefits, complaint processes and prevailing wages in the local area.

Notably, your business must also prove that it isn’t discriminating against U.S. workers. This may include documenting the difficulty your enterprise has had in finding qualified American applicants during previous hiring attempts.


One of the appealing aspects of the H1-B program is that it has a long duration. The initial grant includes three years of work eligibility for the employee. An additional three-year extension for a total of six years is available, too.

Under special circumstances, the government may grant further extensions in one-year increments. Do note that many H1-B holders will become eligible for green card status before their sponsorship period ends. If you know you have a keeper for your team, your business can be the green card sponsor. This allows the employee to achieve long-term resident alien status or even seek citizenship. Companies that have great track records of helping employees move through the sponsorship system will attract more candidates.

Helping Applicants

A sponsor company can provide significant support to make the process easier for applicants. Many firms offer legal assistance for H1-B applicants. Communicate with the applicant well throughout the process, too. Try to be culturally sensitive, especially if an applicant doesn’t speak English natively. When applicable, provide support for family members who may use dependent visas to come with the applicant to the U.S.

You should also have resources available for the renewal process. Legal support if an extension is delayed or rejected can make a big difference.

If your company requires specialized labor, the H1-B system may be the best way to expand the labor pool. With access to applicants from all over the world, a company can quickly grow its team with qualified and motivated employees.

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