How Disability Inclusion Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

Businesses of all sizes face challenges, especially when it comes to finding qualified and dedicated employees. One could argue that the single most important assets for a business to have are their employees. This is why Tangram Business Resourcing is introducing the tool that every business should have in its toolbox—disability inclusion.

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and a great opportunity to share some information on the benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities.

Individuals with disabilities are the largest unemployed minority group in the US, and as such, many businesses are starting to implement disability inclusion initiatives to harness the power of diversity and reap the benefits this group can offer. Companies like Anthem, Comcast, Ernst & Young, General Motors, and Starbucks, all high-scoring on the Disability Equality Index, recognize the competitive advantages of hiring individuals with disabilities, including lower turnover, more reliability, innovation resulting from diverse perspectives, access to an expanded customer base, and financial incentives. Let’s explore some of these:

tangram-business-resourcing-at-computerLower Turnover

It can be expensive to recruit and train new employees, so retention is key to saving money in the long run. A study of Walgreens distribution centers by the American Society of Safety Engineers found that workers with disabilities had a turnover rate 48 percent lower than that of the non-disabled population. Aside from Walgreens, companies like Marriott and Tim Horton’s, as well as others, have reported significantly reduced turnover for this population.

More Reliability, Higher Productivity

Many studies have shown that individuals with disabilities are motivated, loyal employees.  A history of underemployment for this group is the catalyst for producing top-performing employees. The same study of Walgreens distribution centers cited above found that individuals with disabilities had medical costs 67 percent lower and time-off expenses 73 percent lower than individuals without disabilities. Furthermore, a DuPont Corporation Study found that 85 percent of its employees with disabilities rated average or above on attendance. (Source: Yukon Council on disABILITY)

business-resourcing-office-workerWorkplace Innovation

It’s no secret that different perspectives lead to different solutions and more innovation. Hiring individuals with disabilities is an effective way to introduce different points of view and creatively solve problems to advance the bottom line of your business.

Expanded Customer Base

More customers—this is the goal that every business is trying to achieve. What if breaking into a larger customer base were as simple as hiring a diverse workforce? Well, it can be! A US National survey of consumer attitudes towards companies that hire individuals with disabilities found that 92% of the American public viewed these companies more favorably. Furthermore, 87 percent said they would prefer to give their business to companies that hire individuals with disabilities.

Financial Incentives

One of the benefits of hiring and retaining persons with disabilities and veterans is access to potential local, city, state, federal and foundation grants; and tax credits. One of these tax credits, called the Disabled Access Credit, is available to small businesses that incur expenditures for the purpose of providing access to individuals with disabilities. Another credit, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (recently expanded to include veterans) provides eligible employers with a tax credit up to 40 percent of the first $6,000 of the first-year wages of a new employee if the employee is part of a targeted group. More on both of these credits and others can be found at:

As corporate disability consultants, Tangram Business Resourcing has listened to the needs of many businesses and helped them identify the best ways to incorporate disability inclusion as a strategy. The decision to hire individuals with disabilities in any business should not be based on charity, but on the bottom-line benefits that that your business will experience.

We hope you take the time to explore the disability inclusion possibilities for your business and spread the word about this pipeline of talented candidates!

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As the managing director for Tangram Business Resourcing, Kathy Bernhardt’s work is focused on disability inclusion and developing disability outreach initiatives for companies. Most recently, Kathy has been the project lead for a disability inclusion initiative for a national retail chain and an energy company. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas Tech and has been an avid volunteer and active member of the communities in which she lives. Kathy recently received the Kiwanian of the year award by the Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis, which she is a member.  She is also a current Board Member of the Kiwanis Foundation and member of the USBLN, APSE, and Indiana ILG.