The Dangers of Lifting and Handling at Workplace

Business Person Lifting and Handling a Box

Professional life is tough to manage, especially if your job involves lifting and handling heavy items. Such tasks are risky and can lead to physical damage. From your back to your hands, every body part is at risk of getting injured.

That is why no matter what kind of work you do, be careful at all hours. While fulfilling your responsibilities, take safety precautions and follow protocols to avoid sustaining bruises and cuts. You might think that a few injuries won’t cause any trouble, but they could lead to permanent damage.

Sometimes, the dangers of such jobs land you in hospitals. That means extra bills and loss of work. You and your family suffer in such times. Therefore, knowing the risks associated with lifting and handling is essential. Being aware of the dangers, you can opt for preventive measures.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

The first danger of lifting and handling at the workplace is MSDs or musculoskeletal disorders. These are associated with strain on tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Every joint in your body comes under pressure when you lift and move heavy objects from one place to another.

All this overexertion results in MSDs. Furthermore, if your posture isn’t correct or you lift something heavy quickly, it adds to the problem.

If you continue to perform the same activities over a longer time, your body starts to ache. So, when someone feels their back or knees hurting after carrying a load, it could be a sign of MSD.

The best way to prevent the problem is by correcting your posture. Also, make sure you don’t pick up weight above your capacity. No employer can force their employees to do extra work. However, if your boss makes you lift unnecessary weight or is the reason behind your MSD, you can sue them in court.

According to the Dolinsky Law Group attorneys (, “No one can take away the pain and suffering you endure, but you can hold the responsible parties and their insurers accountable for your pain.” Instead of fearing the legal process, have faith in your attorneys. Your lawyers make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Another outcome of lifting and carrying heavy items around your workplace is a slip-and-fall accident. These are common hazards in such occupations. Maybe you are carrying a heavy box, and your foot isn’t stable. It might cause you to fall and hurt yourself. Even a wet floor could be the reason for your slip-and-fall accident.

In any scenario, these accidents are extremely harmful. You might break a few bones or injure your spine. It could put you in a hospital for weeks, making your life worse. So, be careful while carrying heavy items. Make sure your foot is fixed, and the floor isn’t wet.

Manual Handling Injuries

Some employees also experience manual handling injuries. These occur when an individual incorrectly uses body mechanics to lift or move heavy objects. In most cases, you experience sprains, strains, and fractures.

The best way to prevent such dangers is by training employees about handling loads. Employers could also install mechanical lifting devices to make workers’ lives easier. Moreover, make sure the load is smaller so that workers do not sustain injuries while transporting it manually.

Ergonomic Problems

You can also experience hazards like ergonomic problems while lifting and moving heavy objects. Most of the time, poorly designed workspaces, excessively heavy equipment, and inappropriate tools result in mishaps. However, it also depends on the type of weight, how long the weight is carried, and the number of lifts.

All these problems can be avoided by following the proper steps to lift a heavy item. Maintain a straight posture and don’t twist while lifting heavy crates. If you bend down and quickly rise with a weight in your hands, your back might experience a shock.

Rushing matters makes the situation worse. Be calm and composed while carrying out your job. In addition to preventive measures, employers could also make the workplace safe by assessing the premises. You could remove things that could harm your employees.


Lastly, overexertion is one of the dangers experienced commonly around every workplace. Employees lift and move heavy weights beyond their capacity. Moreover, they are not given enough rest and are asked to do a higher number of lifts. These repeated activities tire their muscles and result in overexertion.

An employee who is experiencing overexertion is unable to perform well at work. Moreover, overexertion leads to fatigue and body aches. People faint if not given a timely rest.

To prevent these hazards, always work for a fixed number of hours. Employers can avoid these mishaps by monitoring their employees’ shifts. Make sure no one is working extra shifts. If someone is, check on their health.

When your workplace is safe, you will see better results because healthy people are productive.

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