Hectic Holidays: Achieving Work-life Balance

Woman Working During Holidays

At the end of every year, holidays bring forth love, laughter, and joy — all of the things we yearn for year long. However, the stress of balancing your career with your life at home can have an adverse effect on your career and personal life. Therefore, it is imperative to achieve and then maintain a work-life balance during the holidays, so neither is compromised.

The pressure associated with attaining a quick completion of all of your tasks at work and home can either make or break your holiday. So, if you too are trying to get done with all of your tasks before the end of 2020 while saving yourself from missing out on anything at home, listed below are a few tips that can enable you to reach the balance you desire.

Work Smart — Not Hard

Instead of wasting endless effort on multiple projects simultaneously, work in parallel. Make a list of what needs to be done now and what can be done later, and then divide your effort and time accordingly. It is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses, which can help you find out which project will take longer and what project could be done sooner, hence helping you diverge importance between different projects efficiently.

Schedule Everything

Plan everything. Create a schedule for business-related tasks, along with everything you have to do at home. Time theming can do wonders; if you know what tasks you need to complete and the time the work needs to be delivered, you’ll achieve the epitome of systemization that will save you from time-consuming confusion.

Automate Everything You Can

Use modern-day technology to your advantage, save time and energy by automating specific tasks instead of doing them yourself, such as employing a marketing platform to market your business for you, for customer services you could install CRM and for internal processes such as sharing files, try out an Enterprise Content Management System. It begins with an automatically generated response and ends with your life getting a whole lot easier.

Diffuse Your Workload

Share your responsibilities, and understand that you cannot do everything on your own. Whether it’s doing laundry or sending an email, learn to delegate at work, and ask for help at home. Two great minds are always smarter than one.

Set Priorities

It is essential to identify what truly matters. Set priorities, and understand that you will have to choose between your career and family at times. For example, your daughter’s first performance in a play is more important than a routine meeting. In contrast, a contract signing should keep you from attending that holiday dinner you can’t bear either way.

Divide Time, Finance, and Energy

Draw a line between the time, money, and effort you need to put into your career and your life at home, and ensure that those two lines don’t merge. Set hours that you need to complete for work and the time you want to be spending at home either with yourself or anyone who matters.

Appreciate Yourself, Learn to Let Go

Life is an eternal work in progress. You may not be able to do everything you want to when you want to do it. Therefore, it is compulsory to appreciate yourself for the work you are getting done and the little things, like finally decorating that unadorned Christmas tree you bought last year.

Don’t forget to relish the moment, enjoy whatever you’re doing, whether it’s at work or home. Learn to let go of things that you haven’t been able to get done even after trying. You matter too, so make sure you exercise, eat well, and maintain your circadian rhythm. The final tip is to believe in yourself, and know that you will get there one day — until then, happy holidays.

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Dr. Sharon Fried Buchalter is a distinguished Clinical Psychologist, life coach, public speaker, hypnotherapist and author. Dr. Sharon has also worked as a marriage and family therapist, clinical social worker, corporate training and development manager and career counselor. In these diverse capacities, she has worked with people from all walks of life, ranging from inner city teenage parents to CEO’s of major corporations. Dr. Sharon was also a successful advice columnist for national and local publications. She has helped people from all over the country increase happiness and success in both their personal and professional lives. Throughout her career, Dr. Sharon has also developed and implemented a wide range of workshops ranging from family leadership, new parent survival skills, to life skills training for teens and college students. As well as, management training profiles of successful people, stress management, mindfulness and solutions for a healthy centered life. Dr. Sharon holds a Master’s in Social Work from NYU and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University in New York City. She has received the highest accreditation as a board-certified diplomate-fellow in advanced child and adolescent psychology, marital and family relations, psychoeducational assessment, hypnotherapy and clinical psychology. As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in practice since 1996 she specialized in children, adolescents, and adults, with a solution-based approach. As a Certified Rapid Resolution Therapist, she has worked extensively with patients experiencing emotional trauma, and those with the more serious condition PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Dr. Sharon’s mission is to educate, enlighten and empower people of all ages. She has developed revolutionary tools to help couples, parents, and families achieve happiness and success. Her first book Children Are People Too, provides eight essential steps designed to strengthen families and empower parents to be their own child's life coach and mentor. Her second book New Parents Are People Too, provides relationship advice for couples entering parenthood for the first time. Through her Clinical Psychology background as well as Management background; Dr. Sharon brings a unique blend of experience which has enabled her to develop mindful natural products that are eco-friendly, and help people lead less stressful healthier lives, within the baby and sun care market. Learn more about Products on the Go at https://products-onthego.com. Follow the company at Facebook and Instagram.