Dr. Imran Khan Glasgow’s Tips for Maintaining a Positive Work/Life Balance


Maintaining a positive work-life balance can be a daunting task. In today’s fast-paced world, the demands placed on our time are sometimes unbearable. Many people find that their work responsibilities are increasing and that their home lives are suffering as a result. In order to build a positive work-life balance, you can take concrete steps to meet your goal. Dr. Imran Khan Glasgow understands how difficult the prospect of work-life balance can be and offers 6 tips on how to construct a more fulfilling life.

1. Separate Work and Home

As much as possible, try to avoid bringing work home. This may be easier said than done since many employers want to have control of our lives 24/7. It will help to create clear boundaries between your work life and your home life. Stop checking work emails and texts at home unless there is an emergency. Speak to your human resources manager at work if you need help delineating how much work should be done at home.

2. Be Careful with Device Use

This advice applies to the entire family, not just working adults. When people constantly check their electronic devices, they experience higher levels of stress. Interacting with a device can take the place of spending time with your friends and family. It is beneficial to create “device-free zones” like the dinner table where you know that you will be concentrating on your family and not on your devices.It may help to set up a central charging station for your devices and to keep them out of your hands as much as possible. People are often addicted to the dopamine rush that comes with getting a notification on their devices. Rather than relaxing with your device, use your time to play with or read to your children. You can also spend time playing with your pets or talking with your loved ones.

3. Keep Your Personal Time

When you are busy with work and the demands of raising a family, it is tempting to let your own hobbies and interests fall by the wayside. It is vital to keep these activities going. Whether you enjoy making furniture or play with a community band, taking time out for hobbies and activities will make you a happier, better-balanced person.

4. Get Organized

Many people who are stressed at work let their home lives slide. It can feel like dealing with one crisis after another, from finding a child’s shoes before school to missing a doctor’s appointment because your calendar was not up to date.According to Dr. Imran Khan Glasgow, it is just as important to be organized at home as it is at work. Create a family calendar and sync it with your work calendar. Block out times where you will not be available for work purposes. Add your children’s activities to the calendar so that you can attend more of them.

5. Nobody’s Perfect

To achieve work-life balance, it is necessary to accept that you will never be perfect at home and at work. Understand that you can only devote so much time to either facet of your life. For example, if you are constantly checking your work email so you don’t miss anything, set certain times of day to check email instead. If you are worried about your house not being perfectly clean, let your standards relax. Your family will not suffer because the house is a little bit messy. Don’t take this to extremes, however; clutter can increase stress.

6. Learn to Say No

Saying “no” is an important way to protect your personal time. While many employees are people-pleasers, it is crucial that you take the time to protect your own interests. Saying “no” will not make you less effective in the workplace. You will not be pulled in as many directions, and you will be able to do a better job on the work you do accept.

Chasing Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is always a work in progress. You will need to keep on top of it constantly. If something is not working for you, whether it is at home or in the workplace, you can change it.

Dr. Imran Khan Glasgow urges people to remember that your home life and your family should be your priority. If you stopped going to work, you could be replaced very quickly, but your family would never be able to replace you. Keeping your priorities in order is a good way to ensure that you reach the elusive state of work-life balance.

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