4 Ways Relaxation Can Improve Productivity

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You might think relaxation inhibits productivity and that if you’re going to get the most out of yourself and your workers you need to keep them busy and bordering on stressed. Well, that’s precisely how to make your workplace an unappealing place to be. Of course, you can go too far the other way if you develop a workplace mentality whereby you feel uncomfortable asking employees to complete tasks. It’s essential that you find a balance that encourages productivity, and you can get this balance by making use of the following ways that both you and your workers can relax.

A Relaxing Morning

Obviously, this isn’t something you can instruct your workers to do, but if you have a relaxing morning then you’ll be surprised by the difference it makes not only to your working experience but also to everyone else’s. Make sure you get enough sleep, even if that means cutting your evening short, and provide yourself with time to have a decent breakfast, to have a social time with your family, and to experience some relaxation time, watching TV or reading your book. You’ll come into your office with a smile on your face and the patience to deal with any stressful events. Laughing and smiling are infectious, so spreading positivity in the morning can have a big effect on the way the team communicates all day.

Regular Breaks

If you’re too strict with yourself, and you never take or allow others to take breaks, then you’ll find employees make the most of their escapes to the bathroom or the coffee room. If regular breaks are allowed at your workplace, and having a phone out isn’t frowned upon, then you will be likely to see an experience in productivity as workers find it easier to stay active for longer. Also, you need to be able to spend ten minutes not thinking about the challenges of the day, where you can catch up with friends on social media or keep your hand in at the live casino you love, and when you come back to focus on the challenge you are dealing with it won’t seem nearly so difficult to solve.

Taking a Day Off   

If you’re ill, you might think it’s heroic to come into the office, but you could make others ill too, and by the time you do decide you need to stay in bed, you won’t be the only one who needs time off. The same applies to your employees, because if they don’t feel comfortable taking time off then the consequences will drastically affect productivity. Plus, the common cold isn’t the only illness people can catch, and you don’t want most of your workforce to catch something worse.

The Yearly Vacation

Don’t forget to make the most of your vacation. Spend time on your hobbies, and enjoy those few weeks where you aren’t thinking about work at all. It’s also essential to spend time putting your family first, as you rely on them to support you so much of the time.

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