4 Tips to Achieving the Perfect Balance Between Your Home and Business Lives

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Running a business from home is what many people on the 9 to 5 treadmill dream of, and it is possible. But how do you balance business and home? Here are 4 tips.

Time Management

One of the key issues to successfully running a home business is making the switch from the traditional office routine that is often heavily reliant on teamwork, and adapting to a far more flexible arrangement. It is crucial to be able to establish a schedule that enables you to balance your enterprise with your domestic situation, and the keyword here is prioritise. In most commercial environments in the outside world there will be a longstanding hierarchy of who decides which tasks are most important. When this is down to you it will take getting used to, but it is so important to take on-board this responsibility, right down to delegating work. Some people prefer wall charts with key dates and deadlines highlighted; others utilize technology to set up calendars and alerts. You’ll soon become familiar with what works best for you.


One business dynamic you must devote time and energy to is setting up your network. While a lot of this will depend on the nature of your enterprise, there are common issues. Seek out mentors who are already working in your field. There are numerous help initiatives such as Business Gateway, who will provide contact details for potential advisors or training course providers. Once you’ve successfully done business with someone keep their details on file for future reference. Keep a finger on the pulse of your respective field by monitoring similar ventures online, via sites like TopOffers.

Setting goals

Issues like self-motivation are particularly important to any solo enterprise. But having the confidence to set your business targets and then focus on the optimum methods of achieving these will be a huge drive for everything else you do. The downside is that there are fewer people in your organization on-hand to flag up areas needing tightened. But with the correct support network in place you’ll be able to set about hitting milestones. Having done so off your own back will feel immensely rewarding.


Although it might not seem an obvious factor compared to dedication and putting in a lot hard work, it is so important to focus on the time when you’re not involved in your business. It can be so tempting to dedicate every waking minute to your great venture, especially when you’re still in the early stages of getting everything off the ground. But burning too much midnight oil will have a detrimental effect, impairing your ability to work properly – not to mention your overall health. So find time to relax. Flip that laptop lid firmly down at regular intervals and take some exercise, listen to some uplifting music or catch a movie at your local multiplex – anything that allows you to switch off from the stresses for a while.

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