Four Tips to Ensure Your Office Design Reflects Your Brand’s Identity

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Depositphotos 39229123 m 2015 e1503077479478

First impressions count, especially in the workplace. A unique office design that reflects your company can make you appear desirable to both employees and clients. A bespoke office design can reinforce your brand identity and make your company unforgettable, which is particularly important if you’re operating in a competitive niche.

1. Make an entrance 

The reception area is the first thing your visitors will see, so it’s important to create a welcoming environment. Most individuals will form an opinion about your company simply based on the layout and design of the reception space. As such, it’s important that this is reflective of your company’s culture. The reception is the central hub of the office, generally, this area will feature the office reception desk at the forefront and a comfortable surrounding seating area.

The reception desk itself should be in keeping with the design of the main office area. Maintaining a consistent theme with the colour and texture gives the impression that your business is well organised and cohesive – desirable traits for both clients and employees. The seating area should be warm and inviting, try scattering cushions in your company colours and be sure to have a selection of industry relevant literature available to keep visitors engaged from the onset.

2. If it can be labelled, label it! 

A logo says a lot about your company. A good logo is not only a visual expression of your brand name, it showcases the brand’s personality. In some cases, it can indicate trust and authority, especially via the use of colour and typography. By incorporating your logo into the office design, it keeps your brand at the centre of attention, allowing visitors to instantly know what your business is about. Labelling the office with your brand’s name will show confidence and passion, which can help clients feel more comfortable with your services. Logo’s make your brand memorable, so the more you can amplify it – the better!

3. Make an engaging environment 

Whilst it’s important to have a pleasant office setting for the benefit of your client’s, it is more so for your employees. A modern office design should empower and engage by offering the option to choose how they want to work and where they want to work. Combining traditional desk spaces with more relaxed break-out areas will give staff the flexibility to work in an environment that fits with their mood that day. The layout of the environment can speak volumes about your brand. The trend for open plan office designs can enhance creativity, due to the collaborative approach to work.

4. What culture do you want to portray?

Simple amenities, like coffee machines, snack bars and comfy seating areas are easily over looked in office design, however, the inclusion of these homely conveniences make employees feel more comfortable and relaxed at work. This can have dramatic effects on employee productivity and morale, with these home comforts supporting open communication between team members, which in turn can significantly reduce stress levels, as individuals feel free to discuss work related issues.

To meet the demands of the Millennial worker there has been an influx in fun office additions, like bean bags, play park toys and even ball pits. Though these childlike amenities are a little on the gimmicky side, they do serve a purpose by supporting internal relationships and in-turn encouraging two-way communication. A great example of a gimmick done well is the installation of a running track through the office at the Body Coach HQ in Richmond Upon Thames. This simple quirk accurately reflects the nature of The Body Coaches brand. You can read more about this project here.

Your office design and amenities have a huge part to play in the culture you want to portray, these small internal perks can do wonders for your recruitment by attracting the best talent in the industry.

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