Work-Life Balance at Home: Setting Up an Entertainment Center

Work-Life Balance at Home: Setting Up an Entertainment Center

Working from home is a rewarding and efficient experience for many business professionals. However, living in the same space where you work can often make distinguishing work hours from relaxation time difficult. If you want to maintain the proper work-life balance while working from home, it’s crucial that you find the time— and the place—to rest and separate yourself from your work after hours. Create a sanctuary for yourself by setting up the perfect entertainment center in your home.

Consider the Location Carefully

In order to properly relax when you’re using your entertainment center, it’s crucial that you set it up in a place away from your working environment. Designating this specific space will ultimately make it easier for you to forget about work while you’re enjoying your entertainment center. Additionally, once you leave the space, your brain will know that it’s time to be productive, making it easier to regain your focus. Be sure to place your entertainment center far away enough from your home office that you’re free of distractions when it’s time to get things done.

Know What You Want to Include

As you’re preparing to assemble your entertainment center, it’s important that you have an idea of what appliances and amenities you want to have access to. Whether you’re a sports fan who wants a full surround-sound experience, a gamer with several consoles to make room for, or a movie buff who needs comfy yet supportive seating arrangements such as a recliner, be sure to have a vision. From there, you can list out what specific items you need to turn that vision into a reality. This will allow you to create a place that contains everything you need to unwind at the end of a long day.

Plan Out Where Things Will Go

Be sure to have a layout in mind before you start rearranging your space. Since the entertainment center will serve as the focal point of the room, it’s crucial that you properly position the furniture so that you’re able to see everything. It’s often recommended that you position your seating a little over two times your TV’s size away from the screen to protect your eyes. Additionally, you many need to keep your couch from resting against a wall if you don’t want to dampen your surround sound.

Stay Organized When Hooking Up Appliances

Once you begin setting up your entertainment center, you might be tempted to quickly plug things in with little thought about where the cords will go. While this makes the process go quicker, it can also create more work for you in the long run. To give yourself the stress-free environment you’re craving, be sure to use tools such as twist ties or rubber bands to keep all related cables bundled together and out of sight.

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