Teddi Mellencamp of ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ On Her Health and Fitness Company & More

Teddi Mellencamp

You may recognize Teddi Mellencamp as one of the stars of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but the popular TV personality is also a savvy entrepreneur! When she’s not getting into all the fun shenanigans with her reality show co-stars, Mellencamp also runs a thriving health and fitness company called ALL IN by Teddi. On top of all this, she just gave birth to her third child before the COVID-19 quarantine hit!

Home Business Magazine recently caught up with Mellencamp and got the exclusive inside on the inspiration behind ALL IN by Teddi and how she balances work with her motherhood duties. She also shared one of her favorite experiences on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and gave tips to other mompreneurs!

HBM: You run a thriving health & fitness company, ALL IN by Teddi. Can you tell us about it?

TM: “ALL IN is different in that the approach is all about accountability. You can join a gym or buy all the healthy foods out there— but many people falter or slip back into bad habits because there’s nothing or nobody holding them accountable to their goals. That’s where we step in.”

HBM: What inspired you to found your company? Has fitness always been a major part of your life?

TM: “I have struggled with my weight my whole life. But it was after having my second child and realizing I just wasn’t comfortable in my own skin that I knew I had to make a change. Once I made the change so many positives happened in my life, resulting in me wanting to help others find those same positive shifts.”

HBM: You recently gave birth to your third child. Congratulations! How have you been able to balance everything you have going on?

TM: “Thank you! Well, bringing home a new baby in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic certainly changes how you approach things! You know, it’s getting up each day and organizing a calendar for the family and also giving yourself grace when things don’t go exactly to plan.”

HBM: What tips do you have for other moms who want to launch their own businesses?

TM: “Listen to your gut and never change your mission statement, because if you are passionate about it and believe in it, you’ll commit to it.”

HBM: You are one of the stars of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. What has been one of your favorite experiences on the show?

TM: “I think the Provence trip from last season was fun. Despite it all, we really became closer through that trip.”

HBM: What is one thing people should know about being in the entertainment industry?

TM: “You gotta have a thick skin and not be afraid to stand up for what you believe is right.”

HBM: What other projects do you have in the works?

TM: “I recently released my own journal I designed, the ALL IN Daily Journal. I’m also working on a book, additional retreats once it’s safe again, and some other fun surprises.”

Contact: shannahch@gmail.com

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