Top 7 Factors for Finding Reputable Moving Companies and Avoiding Scams in the USA

Moving company specialist
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Relocating is a common event in the lifetimes of USA citizens. According to the USA Department of Transportation, more than 40 million moving events occur every year. You can imagine how profitable this business is. That is why every year lots of people face various types of moving scams. All the scam companies pretend to be legitimate, but end up wasting people’s money. However, there are plenty of ways to separate the best movers and legitimate companies from the fraudulent. Here we will learn about how to identify bad moving companies.

7 Tips for Avoiding Terrible Moving Companies

Sketchy In-Home Estimate

The traditional rule of a moving company is that they will first assess the belongings. If the mover is professional, they will run an in-home estimate of all your belongings. This helps to calculate the weight and space inside the moving truck.

It also maps out the estimated costs of completing the move. If the moving company that you choose ignores this part, then there is the possibility of a scam underway.

Super Low Price

A full moving event is separated into sections. Every section requires certain amounts of money. A full move will cost a substantial amount of money. If the company asks for a much lower price than traditional movers, then avoid it.

There is a huge risk of being scammed. The moving budget depends on the belongings and distance. You should gauge the reasonable amount for that weight and distance. That’s how you can determine if it’s a moving scam.

Frequently Changes the Company Name

Frequently changing the name of the company is a major red flag. Reputable companies don’t change their name often. It is a bad business strategy and the customers will lose trust.

While researching a company, study the history of name changes for the company. If you discover that a company has changed names a bunch, then definitely avoid them.

Asks for a Large Deposit

There are lots of trustworthy movers who will ask you for a deposit before starting the job. However, a scam company may ask for an enormous amount of money. After getting the money, they will stop contacting you and will never be heard from again.

The worst part is, you will still need to hire another mover to complete your move, so you’ll be spending a lot of money. Always ignore any company that asks for a large deposit before starting the moving task.

Not Licensed Under FMCSA

FMCSA stands for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It is a kind of health department for moving companies. While checking for real and reputable moving companies, check their licensing status, especially the FMCSA documents.

This license ensures that the company is not a scam and they provide honest services to customers. You can check out moving companies by their name, USDOT number, and MC/MX number on the FMCSA website. If the prospective company is not in the database of the website, move on to another on.

Asks for a Signature on a Blank Paper

Most business deals are completed with legit paperwork. The documents and signatures act as a certification of a deal. Reputable moving companies will have a contract they require customers to sign.

Fake companies may provide you with a blank paper to close the agreement. If a “mover” asks you to sign a blank paper, quickly run away. Otherwise, you may be badly scammed.

Bad Customer Reviews

The online review system is quite helpful when choosing a moving company. Customers give basic reviews about the positives and negatives of companies. So, if the company provides horrible services, you will know it by checking the online reviews.

Bottom Line

Every year, numerous moving scams occur in the USA. Be sure to check out these factors during your search for a true and honest moving company. This should save you time and help you allocate your finances wisely.

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