Tips for Finding the Best Job Vacancies in Your Area

Job Interview
Matthew Henry / Burst

Are you looking for greener pastures after years of employment or are just starting your career? Finding job opportunities can be quite daunting. Top companies may already have their workforce filled with skilled workers. Or hundreds of applicants may be lining up for one or two positions in a company.

Not all companies post their job vacancies on one platform, which poses more challenges. With stringent competition, you have to be clever about your choices and strategies. Whether you’re applying for remote jobs or office positions, you must step up your game. Here are some helpful tips for finding the best jobs in your area.

Make the internet your best friend

The internet is a repository of different kinds of information — job vacancies included. So, you can start your search by turning on the GPS of your computer or your phone and key in “job vacancies near me.” This simple search can yield more than 100 jobs found in your area. Job posts will have information about which platforms you can use to apply and how recent the job posts are.

You can also search for job opportunities on different platforms such as the following:

  • CareerBuilder: This platform has one of the largest job boards full of career advice, resume postings, job listings, and other work-related resources for all job seekers. The good thing about this platform is they source job listings straight from employers. They also expand all the local listings they receive by partnering with various newspapers and incorporating the said listings with their online classifieds. They also integrate valuable information like scores of your possible career paths and useful advice about job searching and career development. The platform utilizes AI technology to connect all workers with various job opportunities effectively.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn helps you build your network by connecting you to some of the world’s professionals. This is also by far the most prominent professional network online. Here, you can look for jobs, employers, contacts that advertise for vacancies, and even follow the companies you are interested in joining. You can also incorporate your portfolio samples with your profile to show your credentials to any prospective employer.
  • Upwork: This is probably one of the largest online marketplaces for freelancers and company owners. The company tapped into the gig-based and freelance labor opportunities through a platform that connects employers with freelancers. Currently, you can find job opportunities in categories like accounting/consulting, legal, customer service, creative/design, marketing/sales, writing, admin support, analytics, data science, and web and software development.

These are just a few of the online platforms and resources you can use when you’re looking for new job opportunities. Explore these sites and see how they can make sense for you.

Search in government-run employment websites

Do you want to work in an office within your locality? Your best bet is to scour through the webpages of government-owned websites. If you’re from Malta, for example, and you’re looking for jobs in Malta, you can visit the government website and click on employment opportunities within the government and within the European Union. If you click any of these links, you will be instructed to direct the submission of your application through the recruitment portal of the government of Malta. For positions in EU institutions, applicants are to take an EPSO test to evaluate their capabilities.

The same procedure follows when you are seeking local job opportunities in different cities or localities. Most of the time, the local government has a long list of job opportunities for its residents.

Ask for referrals

If you have friends or previous colleagues who work in the companies you want to join, you can ask them for insider information on the list of available jobs before these are opened to the public. The sooner you get these pieces of useful information, the sooner you can prepare for the screening and selection process. Some companies don’t publish their job vacancies to the public and prefer references provided by their own employees. They can spend less time doing background checks. Somebody on their end can vouch for the credibility and fitness of the applicant.

Finding a job may take time. After all the tough times, landing that job you’re passionate about will be a dream come true. Make use of the resources available to you. The internet can serve well in this endeavor. No matter how hard the filtering and application process is, keep your eyes fixed on the end goal.

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