Sharing the Love in Your Business and Personal Life

Couple hugging each other
Photo by Git Stephen Gitau from Pexels

It’s February, it’s “Love” month. Valentine’s Day and in Canada where I live it is also “Heart and Stroke” month, where the Heart and Stroke Foundation has a big fundraising month.

Now, you might ask, why am I writing a business article about love? Well, if you think about it, if you want to have success, successful businesses, business relationships, great clients, and your own personal health and wellness, then love plays into all of that!

To me love is also having an appreciation for the good that exists in your life or business.

This month, explore the notion of showing appreciation and yes, some love to your clients, employees, family, friends and yourself too!

Employee Appreciation:

For your employees, you can host a lunch near Valentine’s Day, or you can cut out early on Friday the 15th  and go to a local pub or restaurant as a team. As a team you can connect, enjoy food together, break bread together, watch music, play pool and just enjoy a nice “team” event.

Plus, February is a tough month (it is usually dark, cold, the Christmas bills arrive), so a pick me-up for the team at work is going to boost morale.

You can also bring in a massage therapist for the team at work and have mini-seated massage treatments too!

Valentine's Day

Appreciate Your Clients:

For your clients, you can do similar things. Host a lunch or drop off bagels and cheese at your client’s office, or take them out for a night of music, munchies and pool!

The key is to show appreciation for your clients.

I remember booking tickets for a comedy television show on one of our major television networks. The tickets were free, but we went for coffee/tea after the taping; maybe you can do that with your team and or clients.

When you bring clients together, it is a great opportunity for them to meet, mix and network with each other as well!

Maybe there is a fun television show in your market that you can get tickets for and invite your clients and/or team at work!

Add some play to the work in February! But, add some love!

Appreciate Your Stakeholders:

You can also show love to your stakeholders. Love your banker, or accountant or lawyer…okay, maybe not the lawyer…(Smiling)…but take them to a lunch, give them a call, or send an inspirational card of thanks to them.

I sent my banker a Christmas card and she emailed me to thank me as it made an impact on her.

I also hug my banker when I see her. She is a banker, but also an ally, a supporter and friend. She is a human being first and even though they are my bank, they have human needs of appreciation, kindness and support in the changing world we live in!

Appreciate Yourself:

Lastly, love yourself too. If you aren’t paying attention to your health, your mental well-being, your belief in yourself, then these can greatly affect your success too!

Take time to meditate each day, affirm positive thoughts about yourself, even if you just made a mistake. We are hardest on ourselves. Be kind to yourself. Affirm it, believe it, be it.

Take time to have a massage, or work-out at the gym. I love it when after my workout, I take a shower and steam bath…that is a little reward at the end of my workout.

Or slip out early once a month on a Friday afternoon and take your partner (spouse, partner, a friend) to a movie at 4 pm!

Be good to yourself right now too. It is a challenging time and if we are still making it and thriving, then acknowledge your efforts and blessings.

One other way to be loving to yourself is to give back to the less fortunate. Volunteer some time, donate to a worthy cause; when you give you get back.

The bottom line this month, the month when love is in the air, is to embody and practice loving what you have, who you work with, who works for you, who you are and of course the clients and stakeholders that help you get to where you are!

Make it a great month!

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David is an author, business coach, and facilitator and the former host/producer and creator of the Small Business Big Ideas Show heard weekly for over 9 years. David has taught thousands over the years in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors and has coached hundreds of start-ups to make those important first steps. He specializes in helping small business owners mine their strengths, get clear on their value, their markets and then begin to develop a sales and marketing game plan that gets results. He also can be booked to do his keynote presentations; “The 8 Keys to Success, How I got to Kiss the Stanley Cup and his new keynote called “A breakthrough-through the glass”- how to overcome the fear that life and business might throw your way. He leads workshops in sales, marketing, market research, business plans, target marketing and customer service programs. David is passionate about helping others live with joy and passion and to lead successful, heart-centered businesses.