Navigating the Emotions of Selling Your Junk Car and Why You Should Do It Anyway

junk cars
Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash

Most of us do become attached to our cars. You might have even given your vehicle a name. We love them so much that when they begin to show signs of their age with each dent, ding, and necessary repair, we tend to cling to them as if they’re a part of the family. Selling your used car can be emotional, but sometimes, it’s better to just rip off the bandage. If you’re having issues with letting go of yours, we’ll present several reasons why it’s time to let go.

Reasons Why You Should Sell Your Junk Car

Whatever your reasons, you may be feeling a roller coaster of emotions when you start to think that it’s time to dispose of your troublesome vehicle. Sure, it’s gotten you from A to B hundreds of times, and you’ve shared many adventures together, but all cars will at one time reach the end of their usefulness. Some may last for a decade or two, while others reach the end of their lifespans much sooner due to a necessary but costly repair.

If you’re on the fence about what to do with your junk car, here are some good reasons why it’s time to cut ties and go your separate ways.

Get Cash to Help Purchase a More Reliable Car

Just because you own a difficult-to-sell car doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have any value other than sentimental. All cars, despite mileage, age, or the need for costly repairs, can still be sold for cash. They can be donated to a charity to be used as a tax deduction, hauled to a junkyard, and sold for their value in scrap metal, or they can sometimes be sold to backyard mechanics. These methods will put some extra cash in your hands, but it may not be much.

Selling an older or problematic car can be a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. The best option is to reach out to a specialized junk car dealer, who can take care of all the details for you. Golden State owners of difficult-to-sell clunkers can unload them to a junk car buyer. These dealers will come to your location, tow away your car, and pay you more cash than a junkyard would offer. This makes it the most convenient and profitable way to unload a car that may not be in the best condition.

Eliminate Expensive and Frequent Repair Bills

Older cars, especially those over a decade old and with more than six digits on the odometer, start to experience mechanical issues. Whether the repairs are minor but frequent or you’re hit with one necessary and pricy problem, the costs of repairs can add up quickly. Throwing good money after bad never makes financial sense.

To determine if your car is costing you more than it’s worth, you’ll first need to know what its resale value is. The easiest way to do so is to use an online vehicle value calculator. Once you know your vehicle’s resale value, tally up what you’ve spent on repairs over the last six months. If this amount is equal to or greater than 50% of the car’s value, it’s time to dispose of it.

Keep You and Your Family Safe

Driving an older car that has frequent mechanical issues isn’t safe. Imagine driving with your family and a major component of your car fails. Older cars frequently are the cause of traffic accidents, and you could be putting yourself, your family, and other drivers at risk. Failure to maintain an older vehicle by paying for pricey repairs is a liability you don’t want to have. Consider selling it to a junk car dealer or disposing of it by other means.

No More Worries About Breakdowns

Does your car break down often? Every time you pull out of your driveway, do you fear not making it to your destination? It adds unwanted worry to your probably already stressful life. Being stuck on the side of the road, perhaps in a remote area without cell service, is something that car owners shouldn’t have to worry about. And if you do break down, consider the costs of a towing service and then the actual expense of the repairs.

Free Up Some Prime Real Estate

If you’re the owner of a non-working junk car, think about all of the free space you’ll gain by selling it. Yours may be taking up prime real estate in your garage or driveway or, worse yet, abandoned in your back or side yard. If yours is in particularly bad shape, you could also be unknowingly breaking local ordinances for storing an unregistered vehicle on a residential property.

Why You Should Sell Your Used Car: Final Thoughts

Consider selling yours to a junk car buyer who won’t haggle over the price due to dents or required repairs. They’re the pain-free way to unburden yourself from that pain in the driveway and hole in your wallet.

Our cars can sometimes feel like a part of the family or an extension of our living rooms. However, those aren’t good reasons for keeping a used car that’s causing you stress. Unloading them can be quite liberating while at the same time freeing up both physical space and keeping more cash in your bank account.

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