Meghana Rajadhyaksha Shares the Reasons to Get Involved in Your Local Community

Community service

People who have a greater engagement with their community are more fulfilled. Participating in fundraising and support activities for deserving charities helps bring meaning to people’s lives. When people are involved with local charities, they have a better understanding of how social systems help to create better conditions for the population as a whole.

Meghana Rajadhyaksha, a philanthropist and medical sales professional, examines the top 10 reasons why people should get involved with their community and provides a road map to people who are interested in helping to make the world a better place.

1. Personal Benefits

Volunteering provides a healthy outlet for many people. The strong sense of personal satisfaction that comes from volunteering can boost a person’s spirits and bring them a happier, more optimistic worldview. Focusing on something other than yourself, you may find that you are able to let go of personal stress. The boost in mood which is provided by volunteering may make you a healthier and more balanced person.

2. Saving Resources

When people volunteer for a charitable organization, the organization is able to get important work done without spending money on salaries. People may not stop to think about this point, but the equivalent pay of a volunteer is over $25.00 per hour. This can help the organization save resources of time and money which can be applied to its organizational goals.

3. Professional Development

Volunteers are able to take advantage of professional development opportunities associated with their charitable work. Volunteers can build their professional network, using connections gained while volunteering to further their careers. This is especially important for high-level volunteers such as board members of charitable organizations. Professional development opportunities range from basic networking capabilities to the ability to show your skills to a potential employer.

4. Building Teamwork

Volunteering brings unique opportunities to work in groups, claims Meghana Rajadhyaksha. This can be personally and professionally satisfying. According to Meghana, many people who volunteer regularly find that they have better interpersonal skills than those who do not volunteer at all. It is personally satisfying to know that your charitable work has helped to bring the community together for a common goal.

5. The Satisfaction of Building the Community

People who volunteer can take a sense of personal satisfaction from knowing that they have helped their community. For example, a donor to a major hospital will be able to see the positive changes they made to the organization.

6. Personal Growth

Working with a charitable group provides a sense of personal growth and development that is difficult to achieve in other ways. Meghana Rajadhyaksha believes that when people spend all of their time on a demanding job, they may feel that their contributions mean little or nothing. While most people who volunteer would not say that they do so for the personal benefits, they are doubtless highly useful.

7. Promoting Your Business

If you own a business, volunteering and supporting an organization can be a definite boost to your bottom line. Volunteering and contributing builds a business’s goodwill among members of the public. It also builds brand recognition and gives clients a sense that they are helping the community by patronizing your business.

8. Finding Commonalities

When a person volunteers or contributes to a charity, they are able to build personal relationships with other donors. Building friendships outside of work can help people feel better about themselves. It is also beneficial to build your social network in order to grow as a person.

9. Being a Good Example

People who volunteer or donate to charitable causes model positive ways to change the community. By promoting their volunteer opportunities, they show others the benefits of giving back. This leads more people to put in time and money with local charitable organizations. This positive peer pressure can bring more volunteers and more funding to an organization.

10. The Satisfaction of Making a Difference

Finally, one of the biggest benefits of volunteering or contributing to a cause is the knowledge that you have helped to make the world a better place. When you review the assistance that your cause has given in the community, you will feel good about yourself and about the ways you have spent your time. This personal reward is often the best aspect of contributing or volunteering.

Final Thoughts

Meghana Rajadhyaksha reminds businesspeople to consider sharing their time and resources with a deserving community organization. The benefits far outweigh the amount of work that a person puts into volunteering, and they will help to raise a person’s spirits as well as give them the satisfaction of a job well done.

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