Do Looks Matter in Making Money?

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Societies across the world each have unique beauty standards they hold men and women to. Changing the way you look serves as a heuristic for those you encounter. Most often, if you can afford to keep up with latest fashion trend and beauty ideal, you are most likely well-off. Standards of beauty have evolved and shifted over time, but they remain a constant nonetheless.

Since we’ve used those standards throughout the centuries to determine someone’s social status, is it out of reach to think physical appeal correlates with economic success?

We’re familiar with ageism and sexism in the workplace, but is attractiveness also an issue that occurs? Studies prove that individuals who are attractive are more successful and generally have an easier climb in the professional world. Individuals who are overweight, a younger age, or show a specific demeanor may have a tougher time getting hired.

In terms of interviews, promotions, and performance reviews, people who are deemed “less attractive” according to the beauty standards may face more adversity. Attractiveness can affect the type of job that someone lands. For example, women that dress up and wear makeup are more likely to be given a “prestigious job.”

It seems clear that people with good genes and a fashion sense have the upper hand when it comes to success. What role does this play in becoming a billionaire? Of course there’s more to becoming wealthy than being attractive. Let’s explore what role attractiveness plays when it comes to prosperity.

It’s questionable. Being successful can make you rich, but not necessarily wealthy. The differences between rich and wealthy lie in someone’s motivation and drive (or lack thereof). Money fuels a rich person’s actions, whereas passion fuels a wealthy person’s drive. A rich person is only considered rich due to the size of his or her bank account.

Wealth occurs when someone has the resources to live an extravagant lifestyle. This leads to another consideration between the rich and wealthy: time. Since a rich person has to continue to work every day to generate a paycheck and earn their riches, they don’t have the luxury of time. Wealthy people do not have to work to maintain their affluence, so they can pursue their dreams and passions. Becoming wealthy and managing it might be more complicated than you initially assumed.

Some people are considered “one-day millionaires,” meaning they spent their wealth as fast as they received it. This term also applies to white-collar workers who develop their wealth over time, and then spend it all in a flash after they save a certain amount. Not all is lost, though, since they know how to earn that money again over time. Wealth can also be instantly lost as inheritances or lottery winnings are quickly used to splurge. What does all of this have to do with the way someone looks?

To answer once and for all if attractiveness impacts your fortune, Fundera conducted a study that tests the facial geometry of 1,000 of the wealthiest billionaires in the world. Using a facial detection software, they generated a beauty score for each individual, factoring in the perspective of a male and female. You may be surprised by the results, explained in the visual below.

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