Independent Living: Advantages of Supported Accommodation

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Living on your own can be hard when you think about it, especially for people with disabilities, wherein they have limitations of what they can do alone. A person can have different kinds of disabilities, like visual impairment, hard of hearing, intellectual and physical disabilities, and many more. However, with a bit of help, they can be able to live alone and be themselves.

There are various services around the globe offering extensive help for persons with disabilities in their day-to-day life. Some might think that these services will not suffice the needs of these people and would just make their lives miserable. However, the truth is it is the opposite of it.

This article gives you input on how supported accommodation can help you overcome your limitations. This article also addresses various advantages that make independent living a key to a happy life for persons with disabilities and why you should consider it.

Establishing Safety and Freedom

Safety is the priority for everyone; there are times that people with disabilities cannot be guaranteed safety, as many factors outside can put them at risk. Because of those risks and limitations due to their disabilities, they cannot freely do what they want with their lives. Being restricted by your own freedom can make you feel like you are inside a cage.

Despite this, you can resolve it with services like Activ Supported Accommodation. With the help of staff, you can reassure yourself that assistance is within reach whenever something happens to you. In addition, you can ask the staff to do some things like decorating your house or anything else you want to do inside.

Enabling Independence

There are situations when persons with disabilities are left alone in their houses, and accidents can occur that can harm them in the end. Because of their limitations, they cannot correctly execute tasks like cooking or doing chores. It will then lead them to feel unable to do things on their own and that they cannot live independently.

Another advantage of supported accommodation is that it can provide various services for persons with disabilities, such as personal care, household management, daily life skills, and other activities. These are some things that allow persons to live independently, and through providing this kind of service, they will not feel the need to be reliant on someone.

Enhancing Social Engagement

Social engagement is essential for anyone as this allows you to interact with other people. It is no different for persons with disabilities; through social engagements, they will be able to feel comfortable and like they belong by making friends. In addition, through friends, you can gain the self-confidence and self-worthiness that you need.

Through supported accommodations, you can become friends within the community. This creates a friendly environment for persons with disabilities. Through sharing similar interests, you can create a bond with other people and open new doors in your everyday life.

Empowering in Knowing One’s Self

Persons across the globe know themselves in terms of what they want or aspire to be in the future. Spending time alone and independently can give you the space that you need to stop and think for a while about what you want to do with your life. By moving to a new environment, you can see your future.

With the help of supported accommodation, a lot of opportunities open up for you. Despite your disability, you can be able to do what you want. Through addressing these things to your staff support, you will enjoy your time and do all things. Like joining in activities and programs, you can be able to see different options to make your life easy.

Extending Family

Family is everything ― where you feel you belong and have a sense of purpose. However, living alone will take time for you to gain the confidence that you are missing. The support staff is here to help you with your chores like cooking, cleaning, and personal care. However, they are not limited to just being your staff. They can also be a medium for you to share your feelings.

The support staff is there to listen to you, and they will help you with what you need and accomplish your milestones in life. In short, they can be your family. Being able to express your feelings adequately with a listener is an excellent way to improve oneself, especially with the problem you have been going through. It is nice to have someone to hear you improve yourself further.


These advantages are essential to people with disabilities. These advantages allow them to become themselves and become free from the limitations in front of them. It is a window for everyone to provide these opportunities for them to achieve happiness. Put into consideration supported accommodation for your options in life, and then you will be able to achieve your dreams. So do not be scared — you are as strong as you think to be independent.

If you need more information, a quick Google search for something with your nationality and age, for example “Aussie over 50s living” should give you some directions.

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