How Emotions Impact Home Business Success

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The Intelligence Quotient, better known as IQ, is a well-known measure that’s been correlated with many kinds of success. What’s been less celebrated is EQ, or Emotional Quotient. However, according to research conducted at the University of Nebraska “positive emotions may enhance entrepreneurial creativity, including opportunity recognition.” The new focus on EQ is gaining traction at corporations large and small. For home business owners, the lessons that can be learned from the heart are well worth considering.

How do positive emotions and a high EQ translate to success? It starts with being compassionate in running your business from home. In my book, “Fearless Living: 8 Life-Changing Values for Breakthrough Success,” I explain why practicing compassion moves the needle on EQ, and how it impacts business results. This is especially important for independent entrepreneurs who work at home and often have family members competing for their time and attention.

For many entrepreneurs, compassion may not be recognized as an actual business skill. It isn’t a tactical skill like math that helps in creating budgets or writing that is a tangible marketing skill. Compassion is one of the soft skills that contribute to the EQ. In fact, CEOs across industries have said that developing a high EQ by being compassionate leads to improved business and leadership development results.

What is the role of compassion in developing our personal EQ and how does it help obtain results? Compassion, as defined by the dictionary, is the sympathy and concern for the sufferings and misfortunes of others. At Princess House, compassion is one of our core values – we believe there’s always time to listen and care, and we frequently take action to relieve and help others.

A high EQ doesn’t just positively impact business. There are scientific reasons demonstrating that a high EQ and being compassionate can reduce the risk of heart disease by boosting the function of the Vagus Nerve, which helps slow the heart rate. It has also been shown to make people more resilient to stress and help strengthen the body’s immune response. These physical factors better equip us to manage the complexities of running a home business, such as creating work-family balance and juggling work projects with family responsibilities.

In addition to improving one’s health, boosting EQ is key in building a better home-based business. Showing compassion for others equates to success in five key areas that I call the 5C’s for a high EQ:

1. Communication

You become a better communicator when you focus on relating to family and business associates in a heartfelt manner. Having compassion also helps you overcome fear and communicate clearly in new business situations because it acts as a reminder that strangers may also have apprehensions.

2. Collaboration

Being empathetic to others aids in forging new business relationships. It also helps when you are involved in tough negotiations where seeing things from another’s view can contribute to a mutually beneficial resolution. Compassion is what brings people together as a team to make amazing things happen.

3. Can-do Attitude

Everyone has heard of the power of positive thinking. Optimism is a positive side effect of compassion and being optimistic is infectious. Being the can-do person at the table, whether it’s a conference table or the kitchen table infuses happiness into a home business that fosters results.

4. Cultural Sensitivity

Compassion is at the core of leadership and inspires the respect of others. Having compassion means understanding others – why they are unique in their thinking and what they bring to your home business. Most importantly, being mindful of differences allows you to adapt your style, words and influence to connect most effectively. In the EQ equation, respect + compassion = results.

5. Contributing to the Greater Good

Driving for success in a home business may be your primary goal. But, there is another larger objective: adding to the greater good and making the world a better place by putting heart into everything you do. In addition to bettering your economic circumstances, you create opportunities for others. Always let compassion be your guide to taking meaningful action.

Compassion was what led Princess House’s owners, Ray and Michael Chambers, into the direct selling industry over two decades ago. They recognized that the opportunity to acquire Princess House would provide a platform to influence many lives by providing income-earning opportunities to those who might otherwise be limited by life circumstances. Their compassion led them to seek an enterprise that would teach “others to fish” and enabled them to overcome some of life’s challenges.

Home-based entrepreneurs who put so much work into building their businesses need to put their heart into it as well. Being compassionate and focusing on EQ reaps rewards in personal health and well-being, while also driving success in business and people development.

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