As a Business Owner, Go Easy on the Expectations Right Now

Freelancer Working
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Well, here we are… in the new month of August and four and a half months into the coronavirus crisis. If you are in business, here is what I know:

1. It is slow.

2. No one really has the answers or has figured out how to manage and shift things up.

3. Customers are not committing or making big decisions right now (unless totally needed).

4. Do not think you have failed.

5. Do not get down on yourself—you might be more fatigued as well!

6. Learn to collaborate.

7. Surround yourself with positive people as much as you can.

8. Limit the negative people.

9. Dare to be creative.

10. Whatever new business ideas or projects you want to create, make sure that it adds value, helps people, and can even change the world in a positive way and if it doesn’t change the world, may you impact your clients and communities for the better.

Aside from those ten facts, I must admit that I do not know much operating in this new environment. I, like you, am trying to figure out this totally new environment we are in. I do know that the golden rule of business and life is key right now: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Some days, you might get up and really be motivated to work on your business and then you might find that you need a nap at 3 pm. Here is the deal: it is all okay, you are okay!

You might need a nap, you might have the passion and energy to get a lot of work done. The key is to not expect anything and to be okay with whatever happens and whatever results you get.

Take time to think, journal, plan, rest, brainstorm, to play, to walk, to create and then execute. Do not put major demands on yourself for results and outcomes. Just “be” okay with whatever shows up right now.

If you are seeking clients, seek them in other places. Tap into new markets and do not be upset or feel like you are not good enough if you are not getting results. That is okay—keep going and maybe refine your messaging. Maybe refine your value proposition, maybe call on a client, not to sell, but to explore future relationships or to just say hello and see how they are managing right now. Your clients and prospects might just need an ear right now.

The major point of this month’s article is for you to realize how absolutely wonderful you are and that managing a business in this environment is no easy task. Pat yourself on the back. I mean this, you are doing great in this great time of change.

If you work three hours a day on the business and then take a few hours for your kids, family, and some “you” time, you would be amazed as to how much you can accomplish. Three hours a day, five days a week on your business is 15 hours a week… you can get a lot of stuff done in 15 hours of concentrated effort.

Please be forgiving to yourself right now, but keep your vision, or create a new vision for your life and business. Be forgiving if your business or the results in it are not what you would love. It really is these times we are all in and the ramifications are huge.

Everyone is being affected by the current global pandemic, because it is the biggest disruptor we have ever seen!

The pandemic has changed every aspect of life and your work or business is not immune. So, go easy, keep going, believe in yourself, find joy in your work, think bigger, get creative, and think of what you’d really love to do to make the world a better place. Also dare to dream, collaborate (I said it before, but collaboration can help you by having a support in place and you don’t have to go it alone).

Finally, it is okay to Sell, but I leave you with what the new way to “sell” is about:

S-Seek to understand where your customers are at.

E-Empathy is really needed right now.

L-Long-term relationships are more important than 1 transaction.

L-Love your clients right about now.

Until next month, stay cool and keep believing in yourself and affirming your life. Just trust that all will be okay.

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David is an author, business coach, and facilitator and the former host/producer and creator of the Small Business Big Ideas Show heard weekly for over 9 years. David has taught thousands over the years in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors and has coached hundreds of start-ups to make those important first steps. He specializes in helping small business owners mine their strengths, get clear on their value, their markets and then begin to develop a sales and marketing game plan that gets results. He also can be booked to do his keynote presentations; “The 8 Keys to Success, How I got to Kiss the Stanley Cup and his new keynote called “A breakthrough-through the glass”- how to overcome the fear that life and business might throw your way. He leads workshops in sales, marketing, market research, business plans, target marketing and customer service programs. David is passionate about helping others live with joy and passion and to lead successful, heart-centered businesses.