Best Ways to Support Your Local Businesses During COVID-19

Woman Holding Open Sign
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Your local business wouldn’t be standing if it wasn’t for your support. During the pandemic, it has become more important than ever to show your support in order to keep these businesses afloat. With hours reduced, seating capacities limited, and stricter rules in place, many patrons have reduced their visits to such businesses and some have even completely shut down with no way to reopen until the government says so.

Running a business is no easy task. People invest their entire life savings into starting it up and work around the clock to build a business that supports locals. This is the American dream. As a citizen and member of society, it’s time to return the favor.

Of the nation’s approximately 30 million small businesses, nearly 7.5 million small businesses may be at risk of closing permanently over the coming five months, and 3.5 million are at risk of closure in the next two months. The last thing any local would want is to drive past their beloved restaurant and see it boarded up with the lights off. Such businesses are more vulnerable compared to large corporations as they do not have the capital and recognition to easily stay afloat.

If you’re ready to join the cause of supporting your local businesses, look no further than today’s blog.

1. Support the Unions

A labor or trade union is an organization of workers dedicated to protecting members’ interests and improving wages, hours, and working conditions for all. A local union is a locally-based group of workers with a charter from a national or international union. A local may include workers from the same company or region. It may also have workers from the same business sector, employed by different companies.

By supporting your local unions, you are supporting your local businesses. How do you support your local unions? These organizations and groups mainly need funding to continue their efforts. Aside from making a donation, you can do this by shopping online to purchase products such as union made shirts.

It all starts with you. How you choose to spend your time and money could determine how your favorite business weathers the COVID-19 storm. The time has come to stand up and become active in supporting your local community.

2. Shop Local Online

Your local coffee shop misses you just as much as you miss them! Employees have been furloughed or laid off and rent bills continue to pile up. Many local shops have an e-commerce presence or have begun to offer ways to support them with just the click of a button.

You can still shop at your local business while staying safe in the comfort of your home with the power of the Internet. Many businesses have websites you can order from or an app you can download. Many also partner with UberEats, Postmates, DoorDash, and other third-party vendors to get your products delivered to your door.

Next time you consider drive-thru at McDonald’s, contact your local mom-and-pop shop for something just as quick and just as good. The additional plus side is that you’ll be putting much-needed money into their pockets so that they can continue serving your community.

3. Promote the Business

The power of word-of-mouth and social media in today’s society cannot be overlooked. Businesses spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on advertising to you, the consumer. This is done via the online space such as with search engines and social media. It is also done via more traditional forms of advertising, such as mail, billboards, TV ads, etc.

With COVID-19 placing economic restraints on the advertising bandwidth of a local business, you can help keep them on the radar and bring in some much-needed business.

So, how can you help?

The best way is to tell your friends and family about that joint across the street that serves the best burgers in town. Or refer your best friend to the woman who cuts your hair like no one else. Write a review on Facebook or Yelp expressing your positive experience. Post on social media by tagging the business so that all of your followers can be aware.

Your opinion matters more than you think, especially during these times. If someone took your advice and visited this business, it could trigger a domino effect where they share their experience with others and customers continue to come trickling in. This will help the business grow.

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