5 Tips for People to Stay Motivated at a Home Business


It’s hard to stay motivated when working from home. It can be very difficult to draw the line between personal and professional time. Every decision made is on you, meaning you are your own boss. At your home you have many distractions, ones that you wouldn’t experience at work.

My name is Ulrich Kellerer, and I want to share how I stay motivated through the bad and the good, especially when it comes to a home business. I originally traveled the world, dipping into the fashion industry with my own company Faro Fashion. I then took over the distribution rights for the brand CLOSED (a leading European fashion company for women’s and men’s sportswear) and have done it for the last two decades. I now work mostly from home as an author, gaining more credibility than ever before. I made that transition, and I now know the advantages I have from being my own boss, and being on my own schedule.

We have to listen to our inner voice, and be grateful for the opportunities we have every day. If you have the desire to thrive in a business you created, or if you struggle with the thought of success, you must keep going. With that being said, here I am to show you that with motivation and determination, you can keep going each and every day.

Here are some tips to stay motivated in your home business:

1. Do a Mini Exercise Each Day

Use the extra time you have to take work breaks, and walk around your house or maybe try yoga and various exercise techniques. Do a crossword puzzle or Sudoku to challenge your brain differently than your work does. There are so many exercises to motivate your brain and your body. See what works for you and incorporate that into your daily routine. You will slowly see how stepping away from your work for a few minutes at a time will help you with your goals. If you don’t take a break you may become unmotivated to get your tasks done because you’re bored or tired, therefore causing your business to suffer.

2. Dress for Success!

The ability to choose what you wear can positively affect your mood and the work you can accomplish. Studies show that what you wear, especially when you’re at home will affect how well you do your job. You will have greater engagement and motivation when you wear something that can change your presentation. If you choose to wear pajamas everyday it could negatively affect your progress, for example becoming lazy or choosing to watch television instead of doing a conference call. Don’t let yourself be too relaxed, because it could result in lesser work.

3. Have a Partner

Sometimes it’s helpful to have other people push you to do your best. Find a partner you can either work with at home, or call, text, email who has helpful tips to keep you focused and motivated. When you’re feeling overwhelmed with your workload, talk to that person and they could help you figure it out and stay on track. If you’re doing it all alone, it could result in a lot of unneeded stress. It’s okay to rely on a friend to help ease your mind while you’re tackling all your jobs for the day. Your friend’s advice could possibly help you receive motivation and the urge to have a successful day.

4. Train Yourself

In order to keep yourself motivated you have to challenge your thoughts while working, and always try to teach yourself new things in order to further accomplish tasks. Just like if you were at a workplace your boss would constantly be teaching you new things to progress, you have to do the same thing to yourself in order to learn more. When given a task to do, try to think of all the possible solutions, and what would benefit you and your business the best. For example, making lists on Excel, or further researching the topic would create a great outcome.

5. Create a Schedule That You Will Follow

It’s important to stick to a schedule that works, and makes you WANT to get things done in an organized way. You can give yourself certain times each day to stop and eat lunch or take a break, but make sure its not for long periods of time. Limit your free time as much as possible and make sure your tasks get done in a timely fashion. The more you schedule your day, the more likely you are to get the most amount of work done in the time you need. If you choose to not have a day to day schedule, certain tasks may be forgotten or unfinished. It’s best to be as organized as possible so everything can get done!

You aren’t distracted or disturbed by others, but you have to learn to be disciplined and enjoy working alone from your home. The advantage of self-determined work is such a value, but you should have to-do lists, and prioritize when certain things need to be finished. It’s up to you to make your own deadlines, and see what works best for yourself.

If you are very well structured and organized, you will reach much more in a shorter time, while simultaneously avoiding a lot of stress. Something to think about that will inspire you as your business grows stronger, is that many people started their own businesses from nothing, from sitting in their garage brainstorming or having little to no start off money. You can make this work and you can make your business grow worldwide.

So many entrepreneurs and business owners have fulfilled their dreams with dedication and motivation to succeed. With the world that we live in, full of technology such as the Internet, cell phones, the world is at your reach for your business to thrive. Always remain focused on your goals…they will be the ones to motivate you towards the next step.

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