4 Reading Apps for Busy Business Owners

It’s not always practical or cost-efficient to be constantly purchasing paperback or hardcover books. Although some people prefer holding a physical copy of a book in their hands, the digital age has introduced many new, more convenient ways to read for busy business owners and entrepreneurs.

It’s easier than ever to access digital libraries filled with thousands of books across all genres. Here is a list of some of the market’s best reading apps for both the technology and literature obsessed.

Woman reading on tablet

1. Blinkist

Blinkist is a really effective app for people who enjoy reading but have trouble working it into their schedule. The idea behind Blinkist is that if they condense nonfiction bestsellers into short 15-minute summaries so the messages and themes in these popular books will be more accessible to the masses. With Blinkist, you can derive all the pleasure you normally would from reading without investing a lot of time into it.

Blinkist doesn’t aim to replace books. Instead, it aims to supplement them by allowing people to explore their curiosity without having to put time aside to read it cover to cover. For those living life in the fast lane, Blinkist offers a convenience factor that is unmatched by other reading apps.

For more detailed information about Blinkist, you can check out this review by Self Development Secrets. You’ll even find a 20% discount code so you can explore Blinkist’s many features without investing a lot of money.

2. Amazon Kindle

The Amazon Kindle is arguably the most popular digital reading app on the market. It’s available on all devices and the experience is just as smooth on every platform. With Amazon Kindle, you can purchase books through Amazon at a fair price and automatically download content to the app.

There is a device available as well for those of you who want the maximum compatibility with Amazon Kindle. The device boasts 2GB of storage which translates to over 1,000 books. With the device, you’ll be able to customize the font size you are reading with, turn pages realistically, highlight or annotate important sections of the book you’re reading, and sync all of your content with Amazon cloud.

eBooks start at just .99 cents, but for frequent readers, Amazon offers a Kindle Unlimited service that gives you access to every Kindle book for a monthly charge of $9.99.

3. Google Play Books

One of Google Play Books’ most notable features is its extensive digital library. With over five million books available, their library holds the title of one of, if not the largest digital book marketplace. The app is available on Android, iOS, and they offer a Google Chrome extension for browser access as well.

The app allows you to purchase books from the Google Play store, download them immediately, and sync between all of your devices. Some of the primary features include smart resume, bookmarks/notes, speed control, and definitions.

To cater to all aesthetics, they also offer three different themes, which are “day,” “night,” and “sepia.” In the Google Play store, you can even find some books that are listed as free.

4. Audible

What makes Audible different from other reading apps is that its focus is primarily audiobooks and other forms of spoken entertainment. You sign up for Audible with your Amazon account, and from that point, you have access to audiobooks across all genres, like technology, romance, fashion, and so on.

Audible is great for people who recognize the importance of literature, but like the experience of having it read to them. It not only makes reading more convenient, but it makes the content easier to follow along with. You can listen in the car on the way to meeting a client or while you’re getting ready in the morning.


With all of these options, there’s no reason why you can’t juggle being a successful business owner with being an avid reader. It’s never been easier to broaden your horizons and gain new knowledge that can make you an even savvier professional!

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