A List of 7 Traits of a Productive Entrepreneur!


The faint of heart need not bother starting their own business. This is because it is a complex and challenging task indeed. It requires time, patience and plenty of planning, to say the least. It also involves collecting resources and taking on great financial risks. It is with the greatest of sadness that we say about 90% of startups fail to make it through.

You have hard work ahead if you wish to start a long-term firm. That is why we have gone out of our way to prepare this article for you. It consists of all the traits of what makes an entrepreneur truly reap the highest of riches.

1. Write Down All Of Your Goals

This is one of the most underrated steps when it comes to starting a business. It may seem simple in thought, but it actually requires plenty of time. And you would be surprised at the level of importance for this. We would advise you to keep a journal to write everything that you have done and what you have yet to achieve.

2. Make An Organized Schedule

Staying consistent on your schedule should be one of your top priorities. You must squeeze out the maximum work for the schedule you have for the day. This means that you have to efficiently prioritize your tasks well. Of course, this means you must also take into accounts of break hours as well.

Get rid of unnecessary clutters and distractions that can impede the quality of your work. Try to get everything done right there and then without pending it.

3. Focus On One Thing At A Time

Multitasking is not really a thing no matter how hard we try. As humans, we can only focus on one thing at a time. We cannot handle the burden of juggling multiple tasks at the same time. It’s one thing to be flexible, but it’s another to be able to handle stress all at once.

If you consider other things while working on one thing, it might not translate into something positive.

 4. Be Accurate

There is no such thing as “Underpromise and overdeliver”. This is because people much rather see promises that are exceeded than promises that are simply kept. Being honest about the time it takes to do a client’s job works better to strengthen ties and trust. This helps relieve personal stress and pressure.

5. Block Out Unnecessary Distractions

As we talked about earlier, you can get the best out of your work if you block out unnecessary distractions from your schedule. Such things include texting, chatting online or playing with your phone. This is the opposite of a productive and efficient entrepreneur.

You can install the Rescue Time app which runs at the back of your computer and measures just how much time you have spent so that you can make better decisions.

6. Delegate Tasks

As a leader of a team, you have to be trusting of the people working under you. For all the time you have spent on building the perfect team, it would be wise to have them do some of the most challenging tasks. It will help them grow further as competent employees and help you focus on your actual responsibilities.

7. Take Breaks When Necessary

While working all throughout the day may seem like a wise idea, it is actually quite counterproductive. It is necessary to take breaks in the middle to help you focus and stay fresh on the job. You can take your dog for a walk, do some yoga or even lounge around at a café. It helps you recharge your body and you will be so glad you did afterward.

You would have to sacrifice all of your blood, sweat and tears to have to operate a business of your own.

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