Petite Keep Founder Lindsay Mullenger on Her Line of Keepsake Trunks, Working from Home

Petite Keep Founder

Lindsay Mullenger is the founder of the Petite Keep line of beautiful, handcrafted, and personalized baby/child/family keepsake trunks. These classically designed and elegant keepsake boxes are not just for storage, but are meant to be displayed and viewed, creating an important reminder of valuable memories. The perfect, one-of-a-kind baby gift, Petite Keep trunks are a timeless, functional way to store little treasures.

Home Business Magazine had the opportunity to chat with Lindsay Mullenger and get the inside scoop on her Petite Keep brand. She shared the inspiration for her company, who her primary customers are, and how she markets her business. She also discussed the primary advantages of working from home!

HBM: What inspired you to create Petite Keep?

LM: “With the birth of my daughters, Heidi, Bella, and Louisa, came meaningful welcome cards, treasured baptismal mementos, and intricate, beautiful dresses that I simply couldn’t pack away in a plastic tub. I searched high and low for a classic keepsake box to store these many reminiscences and came up empty handed. Petite Keep was born.”

Petite Keep 1HBM: What did you do prior?

LM: “I have worked for over 10 years in the CPG industry, specifically for P&G and Duracell/Berkshire Hathaway, in sales/marketing roles delivering products to the market and growing retail and e-commerce relationships.”

HBM: Please tell us about the brand? Who are your primary customers? What sets it apart from other memory or keepsake boxes 

LM: “Petite Keep is a keepsake brand inspiring memories and cultivating tradition. We are reimagining the keepsake category through modern personalization, curated aesthetic, and intentional design. Our customers are primarily mothers, grandmothers, and aunts gifting to young children and brides purchasing to tuck away keepsakes from their big day.”

HBM: What are some ways you have spread the word? 

LM: “Our primary outreach has been via Instagram.”

HBM: What do you consider your best business achievement? 

LM: “Each and every time a customer reaches out to share how Petite Keep has impacted their life, I am truly fulfilled and grateful for the opportunity to lead Petite Keep.”

HBM: What are some of the primary advantages of working from home?

LM: “In 2021, it has become instrumental for businesses to be able to operate in an omnichannel environment, and Petite Keep does just that! Working from home is such a blessing, as I can pop out of my office and spend time with my three daughters — the best perk!”

HBM: Where do you see your business in 3 years?

LM: “Petite Keep will continue to deliver new, innovative products and expand into new markets. We will continue to be a modern, respected brand that makes keepsake storage desirable, cultivates new traditions, and delivers premium quality that customers have come to expect from Petite Keep today.”

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