Nataliya Nova on Her Art-Inspired, Luxury Accessory Brand & More

Nataliya Nova

Creating a fashion brand is no easy fete. But for some it comes naturally! Nataliya Nova is more than an accessory line; they’re redefining luxury. From satin scarves to signature brooches, the social enterprise brand elevates the game when it comes to fashion. It’s an American luxury accessory brand that repeatedly turns to art to imbue their creations with this flair of artistic freedom, giving way to sensational art and craftsmanship-meets-fashion philosophy.

“It’s a combination of quality, craftsmanship, aesthetic and helping other people. Our designs as well will give you a lot of comfort,” Nataliya Nova states. “Beautiful clothes should be comfortable!”

Nataliya Nova Accessories
Nataliya Nova is an American accessory brand that is redefining luxury.

Besides each product being unique and beyond beautiful, the brand strives to give back.

“Helping people and staying connected with my cultural heritage, quality is my vision. I believe in slow fashion, we used to live with such a consumption mindset without even realizing what we wear, why we make those decisions,” Nova explains. “By choosing the brands with the values, they change the world.”

Home Business Magazine got the opportunity to chat with Nataliya Nova on her top advice for entrepreneurs and productivity tips for getting started.

HBM: What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out? 

NN: “You always need to remember that your creativity should stay connected with the people. You can’t be isolated and selfish with the attitude ‘It’s my design and this is it’, in the end of the day you create for the people not for your ego. The other one is you never end up with what you started, a lot of things will be created during the process, be open to that. Very often your clients will tell you what they love and can’t find, what they appreciate in your product (and you never thought about it) etc. Keep a dialog with your clients, don’t be afraid to hear feedback! Your clients will help you much better than any consulting agency.”

Nataliya Nova 2
Nataliya Nova repeatedly turns to art to imbue her creations with a flair of artistic freedom.

HBM: What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

NN: “You should know why you are doing all of that, what is your motivation.  Remember to have a balanced life.  Try to finish a task before you start working on another one, you can end up with a very heavy and discouraging snowball. When you finish something, it gives you a feeling of an achievement and it’s easier to move on.”

HBM: What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

NN: “I deeply love what I’m doing. I’m not planning to retire by a certain age, I want to enjoy the creativity and helping other people till the rest of my life, that’s what keeps me alive and connected. Despite all challenges there are so many emotions, passion, meeting with amazing people, you can connect with the whole world. It’s priceless to get all thank you messages from my clients, every order for me it’s a compliment and sign of appreciation. Just imagine, what you created becomes a part of other people’s life, it makes them look and feel good!”

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