Los Angeles Real Estate Agent to the Stars Ryan Grossman Shares Industry Insights & Tips

Embarking on a career in the real estate industry can be very promising, especially if you have what it takes to excel to the top. Just ask Ryan Grossman, one of the most sought-after real estate agents in Los Angeles. He started his first hospitality industry job at the Ritz Carlton flagship resort in Naples, Florida and is currently working at the top of Sotheby’s. He is selling million dollar homes from Hollywood Hills to Bel Air!

Ryan Grossman has always focused on excellence in service and pinpointing a client’s desires. He also honed a strong sense of style, design and service while working at award-winning companies like The Peninsula Beverly Hills and JANUS et Cie. Home Business Magazine recently had the opportunity to sit down with Grossman and get the inside scoop on his successful real estate career, industry tips, and more:

HBM: What inspired you to get into the real estate industry? What drew you to the field?

Grossman: “Being able to connect people with a beautiful home they love and are grateful for is very fulfilling. I love beautiful things, whether I’m creating them, discovering new ones, changing them, designing them, or selling them. Los Angeles real estate stretches what the imagination of a home can be. It’s inspiring and rewarding.”

HBM: Describe an average workday for you. How do you structure each day?

Grossman: “I live in Santa Monica, so I start five days a week by waking up by 6am and going for a walk to the beach, where I work out a little and meditate. Then I do the Santa Monica Stairs and I’m out the door to the office by 8:30. Some days I will go to the gym, do yoga or do pilates. I’m at the office by 9am or go straight to a showing or meeting. Some days I also have a breakfast appointment.

I receive about 200 emails a day, but I like to go through them all personally to see what off-market listings agents are sending around, new listings, and just sold. It keeps me hyper aware of the market, as Los Angeles is large. I cover from Los Feliz, the Hollywood’s, Beverly Hills and Bel Air, and my wife covers Brentwood, Palisades, Santa Monica, Venice and the westside.

The whole day is nonstop running from appointments to the office to do paperwork, as well as dealing with aforementioned emails. There also might be a lunch meeting, a client dinner, a twilight showing or broker preview. Every day is different, but bookended the same. I come home, and if I’m early enough my wife and I walk the dogs together, if not then we go straight to cooking dinner together and usually spending a quiet evening at home relaxing. It’s always hard to put the phones down and stop working.”

HBM: What has been your biggest achievement thus far?

Grossman: “I am top 1% of all NRT agents nationwide, which includes all Realogy/NRT brands, like Sotheby’s, Coldwell Banker, Corcoran, among others. I am in my fifth year in my residential sales real estate career, and continue to aim to improve my process and my clients’ experience through their purchase or sales experience.”

HBM: What has been your biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

Grossman: “Real estate is like being an actor in a lot of ways, but I think most similar to going out for auditions. You just have to keep on going and trying and working until people start to say ‘yes.’ I used to take it personal. There are times I’m dealing with a seller I know and I think they should use me as an agent, then they choose one of the guys on Million Dollar Listing or another popular agent right now. I don’t take it personal anymore… I wish them luck and keep in touch. I’ve learned the client is always worth more than the deal.”

HBM: What are your biggest tips for other aspiring real estate agents

Grossman: “My advice is to keep going. Put yourself in as many places where you can meet clients or talk real estate as possible.”

Contact: shannahch@gmail.com

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