HUD App — The Goat of Dating Apps Sponsors New Television Show, Reality of Love

Courtesy of Reality of Love

What do you get when you combine a genre that’s hard to resist paired with discussions about your love life? Reality of Love is a new series, presented by HUD App, that airs on BSpoke Tv.

On each episode of Reality of Love, celebrities will get real and raw about the reality of their love lives today and receive coaching from Nicole Moore (of Love Works Method) on how to make their love life work, finally. From rewriting celebs’ dating profiles on-air to helping a reality tv couple finally communicate without a fight, nothing is off limits.

The guests may have lost at love on television, but they’re laying it all on the table during the episodes of Reality of Love in a way that has never before been seen. Home Business Magazine got the opportunity to chat with Katie Wilson, Director of Communications, for the HUD App on their involvement with our new obsession, how the idea came about, and so much more!

The following has been edited for continuity purposes

HBM: How is HUD App different from other dating apps?

KW: “HUD App gives you the opportunity to date the way you want – it’s a no-pressure, safe, empowering way to date casually and explore your needs, wants, and desires without judgment. Our ethos is to encourage open-minded connections with people who are into the same things you’re into. The HUD App platform is geared particularly toward women taking control of their sexuality and intimacy in a safe and secure way, and we pride ourselves on driving the conversation around consent, healthy communication, and boundary-setting.

We were the first to roll out safety features like auto-blur photos and video chat – giving users the ability to choose whether they want to see the pics they’re receiving, or whether they want to reveal themselves to people they’re chatting with. We also have real human moderators who strive to support our community and help users make comfortable, authentic choices while feeling safe and looked after.”

HBM: How did HUD App come about?

KW: “Our founder and CEO, Edward Chen, realized there was a gap in the dating app market for an app geared toward people who want to date casually and aren’t necessarily looking for a life partner. Women are underserved in the dating app market – other apps seem to treat women like they’re all desperate to get a ring and get to the altar – and HUD App wants to change that. As an app that is focused on empowering women to date the way they want to, HUD App is giving women permission to explore their sexuality without shame or judgment and facilitates people everywhere on the gender spectrum to feel like casual dating is valid and should be supported, encouraged, and celebrated. And HUD App is fun! We definitely take safety seriously, but we want our users’ dating experiences to be so much more fun than on any other app.”

HBM: Can you share a few stats regarding the app? Who are the users?

KW: “HUD App’s community is very diverse. We have users of all ages 18+, and we also have a growing number of couples who are utilizing the app to broaden their horizons or open up their relationships to casual dating. HUD App is available in over 150 countries worldwide, and right now our biggest user bases are in North America, the UK, and Canada. We’re on our way to 13 million downloads and growing rapidly.”

HBM: What has been the user feedback this far?

KW: “Our users are overwhelmingly positive about their experience with HUD App. People especially love our Bedroom feature, which gives you the ability, to be honest, and upfront about what interests you in the bedroom, and our added safety features for women are very well-respected. When we do get user feedback, it’s always constructive and helpful, and we definitely take it on board and make changes to the app based on what our users want. We really listen to their wants and needs and make an effort to adapt HUD App as the casual dating scene shifts. We know that HUD App isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but what’s that saying – variety is the spice of life! People who are looking for a quality, safe, fun casual dating app really like HUD App, and we’re here for them.”

HBM: How did the HUD App get involved with Reality of Love?

KW: “Nicole approached us after finding our Instagram, and she loved that we’re on a mission to shake things up in the dating world and be different from other dating apps. She believes that people need to know themselves and what they like before they can commit to being with someone else, and that’s what HUD App offers. We were thrilled and honored to be asked to come on board as a sponsor for Reality of Love.”

HUD App sponsored the ‘Reality of Love’ show on BSpoke Tv. Courtesy of Reality of Love

HBM: Why did HUD App decide to be part of the show?

KW: “The leadership team at HUD App absolutely loved the premise of Reality of Love, and Nicole’s style as the presenter – we felt that it reflected our values and ethos, and we were excited to partner with a show that has the same vibes as we do. Our team agreed that hearing a collective of stories about dating from some of our favorite reality show stars – people whose dating lives have been lived very much in the public eye and who have been faced with a lot of speculation – was incredibly insightful and brave and important, and we want to support them living their own authenticity.

At HUD App we are also hugely invested in education and banishing stigmas around non-traditional kinds of dating. These honest stories about how real people changed their habits and experienced growth with their dating really resonate, and help others to feel more confident in exploring their own needs and ideas about romance, dating, and connection.”

HBM: Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

KW: “HUD App is truly not like other dating apps. We are genuinely on a mission to break through social norms about how dating “should” be, how it looks and feels, and how others view dating. We want to call out and end slut-shaming and give women the confidence to enjoy their dating life without being judged, shunned, or called names. We are very open and honest, and this is reflected in our features, our community guidelines, and our customer service.

HUD App is a place for people, especially women, to feel empowered to explore, educate and be educated, and communicate, and to feel like it is more than okay to be yourself – in fact, it’s our core tenet. Dating should be fun, and safe, and it should feel good on every level – physically, mentally, and emotionally. We’d love for you to join us on HUD App and experience authentic, honest, upfront dating!”

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