How to Stay Motivated When Working from Home

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Working from home can be a huge work perk! Everyone loves being able to work from their couch or cozy home office. Though it can be an awesome job benefit, once working remotely becomes a part of your regular routine it can be hard to avoid the distractions that come along with this perk.

Successfully managing yourself can be a challenge, but it is important to master this important skill, especially if you regularly work from home. Understanding the types of distractions you are likely to encounter can help you better avoid interruptions. Once you identify that you might be tempted to turn on the TV or complete household chores during working hours, you’ll be able to set simple ground rules to keep yourself on track and avoid temptation. With a few key guidelines in place, you’ll be well on your way to creating a work from home routine that works for you. Read on for tips from Fundera on how to self-manage when working from home.

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