How to Install a Twitter Gif on Your Android Phone

Twitter on Android Phone
Photo by Solen Feyissa from Pexels

There’s a great library at Twitter which enables you to search for all the top-rated gifs rather than your usual, short little comments such as “Good job!” or “Cheers!” Sometimes, while engaged in Twitter posts, individuals get some nice, cool Twitter graphics and wish to download these cool graphics for free. However, considering the fact that there is no Twitter graphic download option supported by the developers, they feel that it is not feasible. This is understandable, however, it does not mean that you can’t do it or that you have to wait for the developers to develop a Twitter graphic download option. Just follow the steps below and you will be on your way to enjoying all the cool Twitter graphics without any hassles.

First things first, we need to know how to download gifwrapped Twitter graphics. The way you do it depends on whether you are using windows, Linux or Mac, since different operating systems support slightly different ways of doing things. However, the most popular way to go about this is to use the zipped file format. The way this is done is to simply go to the website, upload your image, then select the size and type of image that you want the Twitter gif to be wrapped around. Once you have done so, you simply click on the download button and the gif will be posted right at your front door.

Twitter video download tool

Now, the question that would be arising in the minds of most people would be “what if I am not using windows, but only Mac or Linux?” In such cases, one will have to use the Twitter video download tool that is available as a free service from the developer. The wonderful thing about this Twitter tool is that it will be able to convert any jpeg file to a flv file. This means that all you need to do is right click on the tweet and select “convert to flv” and your image will be transformed into a flv one with very little effort on your part.

Another way to go about this process would be to browse the websites that offer these services and upload the images. The only down point with these methods would be that you will have to wait for your gif to be uploaded onto Twitter. In some instances, this may take up to an hour or more. However, if you have been tweeting regularly, then you will have more than enough time to get the Twitter video downloader tool working for you.

The next step that you will need to take is to go ahead and find the right gif file that you want to transform into a Twitter image. To do this, simply browse to the website that offers you these services. Once you get there, look for the option to upload a jpeg. You will find that there is an upload button right next to the file selection. Clicking this button will prompt you to upload the jpeg.

Once the gif has been uploaded, you will need to locate the Twitter video downloader tool. To do this, click on the download button. This will bring you to a page where you can find the download tool. Once you have found it, click on it and then follow the instructions displayed to complete the download of your Twitter gifs.

The final step will be to open the downloaded jpeg file and save it as a gif. To do this, click on the save button. This will prompt you to save the gif in the desired format such as png. Clicking on the png option will compress the gif to ensure that it is smaller in size. After this, you will be free to use the downloaded images on your Android device.

Installing and using the Twitter Gifs is very easy. In just a few steps, you will have your very own compiled Twitter. It will look very similar to any other camcorder or picture editor that you are used to using. In order to enhance the experience, you should follow step-by-step instructions provided in the Twitter of YouTube downloader. By following these steps, you will have an amazing experience on your device.

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