Body Positivity with Plus Size Bridesmaid Robes – How to Love You Better

Bride and bridesmaids with body positivity
Photo by Kayla Renee from Pexels

Playing loud music, dancing in the mirror, and being content with one’s self — if only days are always like this. But like it or not, there are days when all we can focus on are our flaws. No matter how much we strive to stay on track with positive self-talk, being self-critical about how we look is sometimes inevitable. Perhaps one wishes away the acne, extra pounds gained, and other concerns that would have been trivial when we feel more self-confident.

It may get worse when a very important event is near, and you want to look your best. All of a sudden, you zoom in on your sagging skin, stretchmarks, and extra weight. If you’re attending a bridal party or wedding, you wonder if you would look good in your bridesmaid robes or any outfit you’d have liked to rock. Somehow, the positive thoughts you have for yourself just fade.

But this is normal. Almost everyone feels like this at some point in their lives. Telling you not to dwell on it is easy; getting out of that state of mind is hard. Some people develop eating disorders, health issues, and decreased confidence in themselves. But these days, there is a body positivity movement, evident in many brands employing plus-size mannequins, clothing, models, and more.

The body positivity movement is not just a trend. For so many, it has helped them overcome their insecurities, seeing how magazines feature plus-size women in amazing photo shoots and advertisements. It’s high time you embrace your body and overall look, not just to go with the trend but for yourself. Here are some ways you can learn to love your body better.

Start with How You Think

If it feels like downplaying how bad you feel for yourself, it is the truth — it is all in your mind. The goal is to be able to embrace yourself, flaws and all, and it all starts with having the right mindset. Keep in mind that what you think about yourself is what you will become. You can let everyone leave, as people mostly come and go, but make sure you don’t leave yourself.

Strive to avoid talking to or thinking about yourself negatively, like by calling yourself names. Whenever you feel like falling back into the self-pity zone, give yourself a nudge by thinking about at least one thing that you like about your body.

It helps to start your day by reminding yourself of the things you are grateful for, a minimum of three. Being able to wake up, having good health and an able mind, and being able to start fresh for the day are already three positive thoughts you can start with. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones and you may see the inner glow reflecting on your external body too.

Embrace a Little Change

On or off events, you can always give your appearance an upgrade. Choose clothing that makes you feel more confident, give yourself a makeover, and try a new, different hairstyle. A little bit of change feels good. When it comes to clothing, don’t push yourself into what doesn’t fit you. If a pair of shoes doesn’t fit, do you change your feet? No. You find others that fit your size. It’s also the same with your choice of clothing. You don’t have to change your body; you just look for what suits you.

Are you going off to a bridal party and worrying if the bridesmaid gifts, especially robes, would really fit you? It’s not something to fret about. Bridesmaid robes are made to be generally flexible to fit any body type. A little wrap around your body, probably going with a belt, can make you feel gorgeous. With the right jewelry, makeup, and hairdo, the only crucial addition will be confidence.

Have a Social Media Detox

Scrolling through social media is a great way to pass the time. However, with all the thin models and actors everywhere, you may relapse from your body positivity goal. The truth is that these photos are often photoshopped. People mostly post highlights of themselves. You can follow their accounts and be happy for them, but sometimes, it can ignite comparisons in you, which is a real thief of happiness.

When you start comparing yourself to people, it’s the ultimate sign you need to tone down your social media usage. Manage who you follow. It’s best to follow those who believe in body positivity. This will give you a healthy community for the new positive self you are working on. Doing this can greatly change how you view body image overall.

Forget the Weighing Scale

When you get insecure with your body, you may become more conscious about your weight, even going to the extent of weighing yourself from time to time. Forget about the scales. Constantly checking your weight will give you unnecessary stress. If you are trying to lose weight, try to focus on what you can do more of instead, such as detox, fasting, a healthy diet, and more.

When you check your weight and waistline less, you get less stress. Not stressing out about your weight can do wonders in developing the positive body image that you have been working on so much.

Find Your Style

Being a plus size doesn’t mean you can’t rock the latest fashion trends. Wear anything you love that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Tune into your preferences and personality. That’s how you can find your style.

You don’t have to hide your body in loose outfits. Choose ones that highlight your best features and fit your body type. The most common go-to style that rocks with most body types are high-waist pants and simple-layered outfits. Satin robes for women may look good on you, too. A good rule of thumb when wearing loose pants is to pair them with a fitted top, and vice versa, such that you pair a loose top with fitted pants.

It’s crucial that you learn to accept every part of yourself. Being a plus size doesn’t make you any less gorgeous. In following the beliefs of the body positivity movement, above all, you should take care of your health more than your appearance. It’s a movement about making you feel confident and good about yourself. Work on your physical and mental health, and your body will follow.

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