5 Ways to Battle Boredom Over Winter Break

With the holidays quickly approaching, many college students will soon be returning to their hometowns to wait out the duration of their winter breaks. For some people, this return home can be a blessing, and for others, a curse. Although most college students are no doubt dreaming of the freedom from classes, homework, and studying, they inevitably end up missing the constant socializing and freedom that comes with college life.

Students on winter break suddenly have a lot of free time on their hands. Because of this, it is all too easy to grow complacent, lazy, and bored during this three to six-week pause from the rigors of academia. Understandably, many college students will have nothing on their agenda besides catching up with sleep and the most recent Netflix shows. While this is a solid starting point, it is all too easy for such a routine to grow stale. So, follow these tips to maximize your time and battle boredom over winter break.

5 Ways to Battle Boredom Over Winter Break

Apply for Internships

Internships are ever more important for any college student looking to land a job once school is done. These internships can be the deciding factor when comparing two qualified candidates. Therefore, it is essential you start applying early and often.

Internships provide students a fantastic opportunity to see how a business runs and to help gauge what industry or type of job is right for them. Because these internships only last a few months, you can take risks or see if such a career path would be a good fit for your skills.

There are Fellows programs announced for students seeking summer internships every single year. By applying early when you have free time, you can make sure that you give each application the due diligence required to make you stand out from the crowd. Start this process early because once school is back in session, such an undertaking may seem overwhelming.

Read a Book

Unfortunately, fewer and fewer young people are reading books. Studies show that readers are far more empathetic people since books offer an incredible window into the world and different perspectives. These stories transport you into worlds you never knew of, help you gain insight into the human condition, and allow the reader to discover things about themselves that they might have never otherwise known.

Although you may not consider yourself a reader, it could very well be because you simply have not sat down and forced yourself to read. Once started, reading becomes a habit that becomes nearly impossible to kick, but it takes commitment and repetition. CEO J.N. Whiddon’s Tips to reading 25 books in a year is a helpful guide for picking up this habit. When you have a good book with you, it is almost impossible to be bored. Take a stab at one of these classic books, which are universally beloved and have withstood the test of time.

5 Ways to Battle Boredom Over Winter Break

PC Gaming

Whether you are a casual or hardcore PC gamer, there are thousands of incredible PC titles out there perfect for any aficionado. Be careful though! PC gaming can be quite an addictive habit since games, like books, are filled with hours of incredible storytelling, world building, and exhilarating moments. If you do not feel like spending money on any games, check out this list of the best free PC games on the market.

Start a Business

As we discussed in our blog post, why college students should also run a business, building your own business, even a small one, is a great way to try and make extra money and learn about business. It also distinguishes yourself from other college students, especially if you are looking to work for a popular company. Anything you can do to set yourself apart can help seal the deal.

Creating your own company, especially one that is actually profitable, signals to future employers that you are a forward-thinking, innovative, risktaker; you see a consumer’s want or need and answer that by creating a product or service that people are willing to pay money for.

Look into Freelancing Gigs

If you want to make some money on the side, it would be wise to look into freelancing jobs. Most of these gigs can be done from anywhere as long as you have a computer and internet access. Why sit around being bored when there is easy money to be made?

During winter break, college students have some valuable time on their hands. They can either waste this time or utilize it to its fullest. Consider the above tips as positive ways to avoid the doldrums of an academic hiatus.

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