How to Avoid Gaining Weight While Working From Home

How to Avoid Gaining Weight While Working From Home

The spread of COVID-19 has forced us all to significantly alter our lifestyles and spend most of our time indoors. As such, working from home has become a necessity for many people. Working from home can have several perks such as saving time on commuting, wearing whatever you want, and, of course, avoiding catching or spreading illnesses. However, direct access to all the snacks your pantry has to offer may cause the number on your scale to sneak up higher than you would like while working from home. To maintain your fitness while forgoing the office, here are some tips on how to avoid gaining weight while working from home.

Don’t stray from your in-office eating habits

While it can be tempting to walk five steps over to your pantry every other hour and grab a new snack, doing so will likely lead to unwanted weight gain. To avoid packing on the pounds while working from home, try to stick to the normal eating schedule you maintained in the office. Rather than snacking all day long, try eating lunch around the same time and having similar-sized snacks as you would if you weren’t just steps away from your kitchen. If you got into the habit of meal-prepping while in the office, continuing that routine while at home can also help you avoid reaching for unhealthy packaged foods. Doing so will help you maintain your weight while working from home.

Workout while you work

Incorporating a small amount of activity throughout your day can end up making a large difference. Rather than staying sedentary all day, consider getting a balance board for your standing desk. The small movements required to stay balanced will help you burn hundreds of calories throughout the day—up to 100 calories an hour—and strengthen your core, lower back, and leg muscles. In addition to helping you stay in shape, the increased blood flow you’ll get by consistently engaging your muscles to balance can also help you stay more productive and focused while working.

Don’t work into the wee hours of the night

When working from home, it can be difficult for some to set clear work boundaries for themselves. Instead of being able to leave work in the office, it can be tempting to continue answering emails and staying up late to get work done longer than you typically would. As work hours expand later into the night, sleep can slip lower on your list of priorities.

Many people are unaware of how much sleep can impact their weight. While most people prioritize eating healthy and exercising when trying to lose or maintain their weight, sleep is another key factor to consider.

When you don’t get enough quality sleep, your body produces lower levels of leptin, which decreases your ability to tell when you’re full. In addition, your body also produces greater levels of ghrelin which stimulates one’s appetite. As such, failing to get enough sleep while working from home will likely lead to weight gain. Plus, not getting enough sleep can also weaken one’s immune system, which is especially important during this time.

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