6 Tips to Make Your Pipes Last Longer in Sydney

Photo by rade nugroho on Unsplash

The plumbing system is usually something most people take for granted in the Sydney area. We use the sink, the shower and the toilet every day, but not many of us stop to think that while we enjoy the comfort they all bring to our lives, there’s an indoor plumbing system that’s hard at work for us. And since pipes normally have a large lifespan, we don’t pay much attention to what’s happening behind the scenes. It’s only when we are faced with an unpleasant situation such as a burst pipe or a clogged toilet that we remember their importance.

Ideally, you would never have to worry about the plumbing system at all and it would continue to work like a well oiled machine for years on end, but unfortunately no pipe can last forever. As time passes, they begin to wear out and at some point you’ll need to replace them. “However, you can slow down the process and keep your pipes in great condition for longer with a few maintenance tips,” says a plumber in Sutherland Shire. Here’s what you should do:

Check water pressure

High water pressure can overburden pipes, valves and joints and that can make your plumbing system wear out faster. A water pressure gauge can help you monitor water pressure and keep it at a proper level — preferably under 80 PSI.

Clean drains regularly

The gunk that builds up inside your pipes makes it harder for water to flow freely and that can seriously damage the plumbing system, so cleaning your drains regularly can save you a lot of trouble. Just make sure to use a non-chemical cleaner that will remove the clogs effectively, but won’t affect your pipes.

Don’t ignore leaks

Leaks are usually tell-tale signs of a bigger issue. You might think that a bit of water dripping from a pipe is not a big deal, but in time those few drops can wear out your pipes and lead to more serious problems. Therefore, you should address the situation right away.

Know how to flush properly

You shouldn’t flush anything that isn’t supposed to go into your toilet. So, remember that your toilet must be used exclusively for body waste and toilet paper. Diapers, wipes or other hygiene products don’t belong in the toilet, but in the trash can.

Use drain guards

An effective way to stop unwanted things from going down the drain is to add drain guards to all the sinks and even in the tub. That can help you keep your pipes clog-free.

Have a professional plumber check them

If you want to be completely sure that your plumbing system is in optimum condition, you should have it checked by a professional plumber. That will help you extend your pipes’ lifespan and secure peace of mind.

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