Why Do Roofs Cost So Much?

Roof tiles
Photo by David Cashbaugh on Unsplash

If your roof, which has previously been serving you well, is beginning to show the wear and tear after 15 to 20 years, you’ve probably started to look into getting a roof replacement. If you’ve never replaced your roof before, you may be wondering: how much does a new roof cost? The average roof repair can vary wildly depending on your location, the materials, the size of your roof, and the company you hire for the job, but generally the range tends to be from around $7,000 to $20,000. With the significant cost even on the low end, you’re probably wondering why roofs cost so much and looking for tips to get the best value for your money.

Factors of Roofing Costs

Roofing costs depend on a number of factors. Generally speaking, you’ll be paying for three things when paying for a roof replacement: materials, labor, and disposal. Materials cost varies depending on the size of your roof and the material used. Your standard asphalt shingles range from $3.50 to $5.00 per square foot of roofing, but that cost can be much higher with higher-end products such as tile, slate, and metal roofing. Keep in mind, however, that these higher-end materials can be worth the price if you’re looking for a roof that will last longer or be exposed to extreme weather on a regular basis.

Generally speaking, labor costs will be at least as high as the cost for materials, if not more. This is one area where you won’t want to skimp on, however, since professional installation is key to having a new roof that will keep out the elements and last for a long time. Disposal is generally less expensive, but it is still a factor in the overall cost of replacing your roof. You generally won’t have to worry, however — most roofing companies will include disposal in their initial cost estimate.

There are a couple of ways you can save money on roofing. While you don’t want to go with the cheapest option on everything and should always weigh your options when it comes to roof installation, here are some tips that can help you get the best deal on a high-value roof replacement.

Do Your Homework

Before you go to different roofing companies to get price estimates, nail down what materials you want used and understand how the size and complexity of your roof will factor into costs. Compare different roofing materials and make a decision from the get-go. Know what different industry terms, such as “roofing square”, mean so that you can understand the conversations you’ll be having with potential contractors. Doing your own homework and making decisions early will help you get consistent estimates and let the roofing companies know that you’re someone who understands what they will bring to the table. This means that you’ll better be able to choose the most competitive estimate.

Get Several Estimates

Roofers will always be willing to give you an estimate before you go ahead with one company or another. Get several quotes and then look into their references to decide which roofer has the combination of cost and quality that you’re looking for. Be aware that low-ball bids often mean shoddy work that won’t last you the usual amount of time and may cost you money in the long run.

Timing Is Everything

Be aware of the times of the year when roofers are most busy and plan accordingly. Most roofers are busiest in late summer and fall, when people are eager to replace their roofs before the rain and snow of winter. Planning for a late winter or spring roof replacement can often mean lower prices due to lack of competition or even off-season discounts.

Use Your Insurance

Check with your home insurance company to see whether they will cover part or all of the replacement. Homeowners insurance will often cover roof damage due to weather such as hail or wind damage. If you can prove that a portion of your roofing problem was caused by weather rather than regular wear and tear, then you may get your insurance to cover part or all of the replacement.

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