Common Causes of Tree Disease and Damage

Photo by Torsten Kellermann from Pexels

By J.D. Shamoun

If you have trees in your yard or garden, then it is only a matter of time before something attacks them. It could be a disease, physical damage, or even just general decay, but understanding common threats to your trees can be important.

If you need help resolving issues with your tree, whether the tree is dying or already dead, then look into groups or seek advice for professional assistance. There is nothing you can do on your own, but with some experts on your side, you can keep your trees as safe as possible in even the worst situations.

There are very few kinds of tree damage that can’t be fixed or alleviated in some way, especially with expert help. But what are the most common causes, and how much of a problem are they?


The weather will always be one of the most notable causes of tree damage, especially if it starts to become more intense. Bad weather can completely overwhelm even the most careful of landscaping projects, and a strong wind can often turn your gardening plan into a mess.

Rain leads to waterlogged ground, which can loosen tree roots and make them more likely to fall over. Strong winds can even knock a smaller tree over completely, while the weight of ice and snow are likely to snap off a few branches without you being able to do much to prevent it.

During a bad storm, it is very likely to see at least a few trees fall: the waterlogged dirt makes them tilt, and then the wind helps blow them over the point of no return. Much smaller trees can effectively be killed outright if they are snapped clean in half by a sudden surge of wind strength.

Infections and Diseases

Different tree diseases are common in different parts of the world, but they all have the same general impact: they harm the tree and can potentially kill it. Alternatively, they weaken the tree, allowing something else to kill it that normally would not.

Fungal infections can attack tree leaves and fruit or just attack the entire tree itself. Some are specific to certain trees, whereas others will rot any tree canopy or trunk. In certain cases, the fungal infections are carried by unaware beetles and bugs.

Root Damage

Damaged roots usually spell the end for a tree if it can’t sustain itself. Roots are needed to absorb nutrients and water, so trees can starve if the environment loses those things or if the roots are crushed and cut.

Certain fungal infections target the roots quite heavily, making it almost impossible for the tree to stay healthy unless the infection goes away. This can starve the trees to death or lead to them falling over once their ‘anchor’ into the ground is gone.


If a tree gets too old, it can simply start to die. Age also makes trees weaker to other forms of damage or grows them too large for them to sustain themselves with the number of nutrients they have. The only fix for this is trying to keep them fed and giving them enough room, which is not always easy.

Author: J.D. Shamoun

J.D. Shamoun is the owner of 72 Tree, Seed & Land Co. — — an ecological restoration and arboricultural services company. With over 40 years of experience and more than 14,000 customers, 72 Tree, Seed, & Land Co. is a highly experienced and certified Alpharetta Tree Service Company in Metro Atlanta and Roswell, Ga. The company are experts in storm damage and handle large and dangerous trees day in day out. Not only are 72 Tree, Seed & Land Co tree specialists they also specialise in insurance so can handle your claims. Their specialities include arboriculture consultations, tree care services, crane services, and emergency tree services.

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