The Best Grass for Your Lawn: A Complete Guide

Lovely Lawn
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

A correctly maintained lawn is the centerpiece of an ideal garden and is the place where your children can play, where you can lie in the sun, and is vital for certain types of wildlife. When correctly done, a lawn is relatively simple to maintain, but it’s just as easy to lose control and end up with a lawn that needs a significant amount of work and care. It can be easy to become distracted by creating beautiful flowerbeds or garden accessories, but the value and look of a well-kept lawn shouldn’t be overlooked.

When left unattended, your lawn can become patchy and brown quickly, and weeds can take over, making it unpleasant to look at. As with many jobs, particularly those in the garden, doing little work but often is the best approach, and prevention is always easier than saving a lawn that’s out of control.

The first thing to understand is the different types of grass, which can impact the look and approach you take for lawn care. If you’re reseeding your lawn, it’s essential to understand the seeds available to you and when best to use each. For more information about lawn care, make sure to visit the blog.

Utility grass

There are several common types of utility grass you may want to consider. Dwarf ryegrass will produce a dark green lawn with a reddish tint at the base of the blades. It will leave you with a thick lawn that’s hard-wearing and will establish quickly, making it ideal if you start from scratch and have children or pets that will play on it.

Smooth-stalked meadow grass will produce thick blades and has an intense green color, and can withstand a significant amount of footfall. The grass also copes well with relatively little water and hot and cold seasons, making it ideal if you live in a region with harsh summers and winters.

Lesser Timothy is another hard-wearing grass, which is a lighter green with thick stems. If you have a significant amount of rainfall, this is a good choice and can also withstand cold temperatures.

Luxury grass

Chewings Fescue is a fantastic luxury grass that has a dark green color to give a pleasing look. It has blades like bristles and is best used in shady, dry, and cool areas. The grass copes well without too much water, but isn’t suited to hotter temperatures.

Slender creeping red fescue is another commonly used seed for a high-quality lawn and establishes itself quickly, making it ideal for a new lawn. It’s best suited to shaded areas with well-drained soil and produces glossy, attractive blades.

Common bent

Unique in that this is a paler-colored grass, common bent can be mowed to a very short length, giving it a very uniform and attractive finish. If you have low-quality soil where other grasses struggle, common bent could be a good option and will still grow well in poor conditions.

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