Well & Company™ Launches “The Daily Well Lifestyle Challenge” for Entrepreneurs

Daily Well Lifestyle Challenge

Choose Your Challenge and Change Your Life

The first in a series of wellness challenges, Well & Company announces the Daily Well Lifestyle Challenge, a 3-month wellness journey, developed by Naturopathic Doctor and award-winning author, Dr. James Rouse. Based on Well & Company’s Daily Well Lifestyle System, a science-driven, novel combination of products and practices, the Daily Well Lifestyle Challenge is a simple 90-day lifestyle reset creating improved habits that lead to more energy, a better mood, and a more restful night’s sleep.

Marie and James
Founders: Maigread Eichten and Dr. James Rouse

The Daily Well Challenges include: the Abundant Energy Challenge to help perform your best every day; the Positive Mood Challenge to aid a more positive outlook; and the Rejuvenating Sleep Challenge to help experience rejuvenating sleep.  Participants select their challenge and begin using Well & Company’s Daily Well Products tailored toward achieving their goal.  

“Most Americans suffer from a lack of sleep, high levels of stress and low energy as they battle to get through their days. The Daily Well Lifestyle Challenge is a simple path to changing daily habits so all of us can make every day our best day,” says Maigread Eichten, Well & Company CEO

Challenge participants are supported by: motivational email campaigns, wellness tips, community coaching, motivation and hands-on training with Dr. James Rouse. At the end of the Challenge, contestants submit their story, becoming eligible to win prizes.

Enrollment opens April 9, 2016. Well & Company Customers can sign up through their Business Center, through Wellness Entrepreneurs (Guides) or dothedailywell.com

Well & Company

About the Company: Launched in 2014, Well & Company was founded by Maigread Eichten and Dr. James Rouse, two entrepreneurs who share a love for science-based wellness and community. Well & Company’s Daily Well Lifestyle System offers a science-driven, novel combination of products and practices that delivers sustained energy, improved mood, reduced stress, and aids in a more restful sleep.  Well & Company develops and supports independent Wellness Entrepreneurs who maximize the opportunity for enhanced wealth and personal development by inspiring a path of self-care within their communities. One of the first social commerce companies to use this unique approach, Well & Company’s Wellness Entrepreneurs are supported with state-of-the-art tools enabling them to build their own wellness businesses and provide their customers with a path to living every day to its fullest.

Find out more about the challenge and business opportunities offered by Well & Company at www.wellandcompany.com

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