Sugar/Gluten Free, Vegan Food to Uplift and Enhance Your Lifestyle

Amanda J Sloan (1)

Wellness expert Amanda Sloan has created a tool to help and inspire others, needing to make dietary changes. Fresh Cuisine Recipe Book is a unique book that only uses fresh fruits/veggies, nuts, and spices as natural sweeteners. It is a diet full of enzymes for digestion, also using nutritious whole grains, beans, lentils, pulses and seeds. The only fat used is minimal extra virgin olive oil. This diet is good for detoxing the liver (as it uses fresh produce), generating a clean, energetic mind and body.

Fresh Cuisine Recipe Book was inspired by several reasons. Sloan mostly sought a change in diet for health reasons. The book is built on her already existing vegan/vegetarian cookbook, also after having many requests for gluten/sugar-free recipes. When trying out these recipes, be sure that you have the proper kitchen and cooking equipment. provides the best reviews and product guides when it comes to the latest kitchen and cooking equipment that you should check out.

The recipes are healthy, with a balance of ingredients and can still be as tasty, if not more so than other less healthy foods. Nutritional needs are important; this book offers plenty of recipes using protein foods. “It’s great for any health conscious people really, and a healthy pantry!” Sloan shares.

This gluten/sugar and vegan cookbook has many tasty recipes that are easy and practical to make. There is a real selection and variety included, suiting different tastes.

Many health conditions can be improved by eliminating certain foods. Most naturopaths will recommend using fresh whole foods only (fruit, vegetables, nuts/seeds, beans and pulses etc).

Front CoverThis is Sloan’s third book and second recipe book. Her own column ‘Remedies in the Pantry’ was in Health Options Magazine for 3 years. Plus she’s been a freelance journalist for other magazines, written music and produced a musical, resulting in two different CD’s (Celeste Music). She has a Certificate in Natural Therapies and has studied products in various health shops.

Sloan has lots of experience in nutrition and learning about health. The purpose of this diet is to cleanse the intestine and liver and release toxins from the body, which also assists in weight loss. Learning to taste real foods again is a great experience and becomes an acquired taste!

The ingredients used as sweeteners, in this book, are formulated to find the right balance. Syrups and dried fruit, often used in ‘sugar-free’ recipes are high in sugar. This book avoids these, as fresh fruit/nuts/spices have an amount of sugar that the body can cope with.

“Its great how refreshing and beautiful it can be, to have fresh fruit, especially in the morning, and it just feels so nice afterwards,” Sloan says. “The change of diet is a good thing, and because the food is so healthy, food can be enjoyed in abundance. It can be challenging missing other foods, but the food that is replacing them is great!”

Sloan believes this diet helps people have a feeling of emotional balance and happiness, and can help with spiritual health, as being able to align and connect with a higher source can be improved with a clear mind and body..

Happy cooking and health!

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