Six Tips to Get Rid of Acne

rid of acne
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Does your facial acne make you feel insecure? Are you also irritated with pimples popping again and again on your skin? Take a deep breath and relax. There are solutions to get rid of acne.

Acne is a common skin condition that everyone goes through at least once in their life. People often experience acne at the beginning of their puberty stage which can stay through the age of 30.

However, you can prevent acne by following some basic and useful tips mentioned below:

1. Wash Your Face Often

People with oily skin are more likely to get acne. Wash your face gently at least twice a day to prevent the oil accumulation in your skin. Use a face wash according to your skin type.

For example, if you are prone to acne, go for non-oily skin products. Sweat is also a cause of pimples. Because back acne is often worse and hard to treat, take a good shower after coming back from the gym.

2. Keep Your Scalp Clean

Many people do not know that oily scalp is a possible reason behind their acne. Excess oil from hair that comes into contact with skin irritates the acne and makes it worse. Washing your hair twice a week with a mild shampoo avoids this issue.

This helps prevent any dead skin cell build-up and keeps your skin healthy. Also, keep your hair away from your face so that it does not give rise to more clogged pores.

3. Avoid Consuming Junk Foods

Junk or fried foods are tasty, but they are bad for your health. An unhealthy diet triggers acne. Excess oil clogs the pores and gives rise to acne.

Switch to eating a healthy diet that contains ample vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Do not forget to drink plenty of water every day. Water helps in flushing out all the toxins from your body thus providing you with glowing and clear skin.

4. Invest in Good Skincare Products

It is very important to know what your skin type is. Once you know, invest your money in the products that benefit you. Go for products that contain the right amounts of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, as these work wonders to rid of acne issues.

You may also consult a professional and take the prescribed treatments. For many people, CBD oil is very beneficial, so try this one as well.

5. Try Homemade Remedies

Sometimes, homemade remedies work perfectly for skin-related conditions. Prepare your own face mask with some basic ingredients present in your kitchen. Try making a paste of cinnamon bark and honey and apply it to your acne.

Both ingredients have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which may reduce your blemish. Aloe vera is another good option to treat and get rid of acne. Apply directly to your skin the gel that is easily extracted from the aloe leaves. Aloe gel is used in many skin products because of its soothing nature.

6. Limit Using Makeup Products

Do not apply make-up to your face if you suffer from frequent breakouts. Cosmetics like foundation, concealer, and blush contain chemicals that are not good for your skin.

However, if you love to wear makeup and create different looks then switch to oil-free products. Always read the ingredients list before buying them. Look for the word ‘noncomedogenic’ in a product. This means it is likely safe to not cause acne.

Over to you…

In the United States, acne affects an estimated 40-50 million individuals annually. To be precise, about 80 percent of people experienced acne-related issues in their lives. Acne probably does not go away within a day or two but if you follow a healthy routine and take care of your skin, then you will eventually get rid of acne.

Dealing with acne is tough and sad but believe in yourself. Give your skin time to heal and you will see the difference. Here is a gentle reminder: You Are Beautiful with or without acne.

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